The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing in SEO Strategy


Today, establishing an efficient marketing strategy relies on the production of interesting and relevant content. To attract more visitors to a site and then turn them into leads, then into prospects and then into customers, marketing focuses on the production of content. Content marketing or marketing content offered online is now very diverse: product descriptions, editorial sites, forums. They are generally produced by a specialised content marketing agency that a brand or company calls upon. 

The usefulness of SEO in content marketing

First and foremost, content marketing and SEO are inextricably linked. Any good digital strategy, such asdropshipping, relies above all on relevant, optimized content. Simply defined, content marketing is a marketing strategy involving the creation and publication of content with the aim of developing a company or brand. Unlike brand content, content marketing focuses on the needs and expectations of the audience.

For this strategy to be as effective as possible, it is essential to combine it with an effective SEO strategy. Indeed, even excellent content is not enough on its own. It is always necessary to carry out certain actions to improve its ranking in search engines. This optimization of a content marketing consists of making content as useful, easy to find and consume as possible for the audience. By audience, we mean customers, social media, influencers. It should be remembered that content marketing can take many forms. Examples of content marketing include blog posts, product tests, feature articles and videos.

Thus, knowing that the main goal of publishing and sharing content marketing is to benefit from greater online visibility. It is also important to remember that if this content is not optimised, the content marketing strategy will not be effective for search engines. In order for the content produced to stand out in the search results pages, each article must be associated with specific and long tail keywords. It is important to know that the better the content produced, the more likely it is that your content will be cited by another site, and therefore benefit from free backlinks. Backlinks are very important in the SEO criteria and are still one of the main ranking factors for Google.

Content Marketing SEO best practices

In order to adopt an effective content strategy, it is more than necessary to look at the best SEO practices for content marketing.

  • Adopt an editorial line with high SEO potential 

The editorial line is the cornerstone of a Content Marketing strategy. It translates into the creation of blog articles or tip sheets. To maximize the performance of a content marketing strategy, each piece of content created or optimized must contain strategic keywords. To capture qualified SEO traffic, you need to carry out a semantic study.

  • Use content with optimal length 

To stand out from the competition and get to the top of the Google rankings, favour longer content. Indeed, a longer article or content has a better chance of obtaining backlinks. The latter allows your entire website to gain in SEO power.

  • Prioritise publication quality over quantity

To ensure effective and efficient content marketing, it is essential to prioritise quality over quantity. Small quantities of excellent articles are more likely to attract SEO traffic than large quantities of poor quality articles. To improve your content marketing, Google trends can be of great help.

The implementation of a successful content marketing strategy also requires an analysis of the competition. But also to establish a content marketing plan, for example the creation of an editorial calendar.

  • Position the content on as many keywords as possible

To capture maximum SEO traffic, a content marketer needs to rank on as many keywords as possible - hundreds, even thousands. 

  • No more duplicate content 

Duplicate content marketing can reduce the effectiveness of your SEO strategy, as Google is quite capable of measuring the similarity of texts and even of its semantic concepts. This is why it is essential to create unique content.

  • Focus on internal networking

Creating links between content via internal and external linking is an effective strategy for gaining SEO power in the eyes of Google. 

  • Monitoring the performance of content

In a content marketing strategy, performance analysis of the actions carried out is extremely important. Real performance tracking or content marketing history will allow you to improve and aim for optimal performance. 

The different marketing strategies

In just a few years, content marketing has become one of the most popular techniques for acquiring new customers on the Internet. When it comes to content marketing, it's important to review the different marketing strategies that exist. Marketing generally means Business to Customer (B2C) or Business to Business (B2B). To reinforce the image of a brand or company, it's important to set precise objectives for content marketing in B2B and B2C.


If you want to know more about optimising your brand or company's marketing content, you can always turn to content expert Minea.

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