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How do I get product placement?


In the world of dropshipping, product placement is a key strategy for effectively promoting items. Using tools like Minea helps optimize this approach, connecting e-tailers with the right influencers and maximizing the impact of their marketing campaigns.

What is product placement?

Product placement is a marketing strategy in which products or services are integrated into media content, often in a subtle and natural way. This technique is used to increase a brand's visibility and create an emotional bond with the audience. 

It manifests itself in various forms, such as appearances in: 

  • films
  • television programs
  • videos on platforms such as YouTube
  • social networks such as Instagram

Why product placement?

Product placement has become a crucial element of modern marketing. Not only does it increase brand awareness, it also effectively targets a specific audience. 

With changing consumer habits, where people spend more time on social networks and streaming platforms, product placement offers a unique opportunity to reach consumers in their everyday environment.

The benefits of product placement

Increased visibility and brand awareness

Product placement on popular platforms such as Instagram or YouTube can significantly increase a brand's visibility. By partnering with influencers with large audiences, brands can reach a wider , more diverse audience , boosting their brand awareness.

Creating an emotional bond with the audience

Influencers, thanks to their proximity to their community, can create a strong emotional bond between the product and their audience. This link is essential for building customer loyalty and encouraging greater engagement with the brand.

Building credibility and trust

Associating a brand with respected influencers and credible can greatly enhance consumer confidence in the product. A successful product placement is perceived as a personal recommendation, which can positively influence the purchasing decision.

Access to valuable market insights

By collaborating with influencers, brands can gain valuable direct feedback on their product. These insights can be used to adjust marketing strategies and better understand the needs and preferences of the target audience.

Steps to successful product placement

Define your objectives and target

Before launching a product placement campaign, it's crucial to clearly define your marketing objectives and understand your target audience. This includes identifying:  

  • demographic characteristics
  • interest
  • the consumption habits of the target audience

Selecting the right content and format

Choosing the right content format is essential for effective product placement. Whether it's a video on YouTube, a story on Instagram, or a post on TikTok, the format must match both the product and the target audience.

A fashion influencer could, for example, present an accessory in a lookbook video on YouTube, offering an attractive and relevant staging of the product.

Find the right partners and influencers

Selecting the right influencers is a crucial step. It's important to choose partners whose audience matches the product's target audience, and whose reputation and values are aligned with those of the brand.

Use specialized tools like Minea for analysis and selection

Minea offers a detailed overview of current trends in influencer marketing, enabling brands to stay up-to-date and effectively target relevant influencers for their products.


Investments" section

Minea's "Placements" section is a valuable resource, offering real-time access to all placements made by influencers. This allows brands to track current campaigns and draw inspiration from successful strategies.

Brands" section

The "Brands" section reveals the most active brands in influencer marketing, offering valuable insight into competitors and market trends.

Influencers" section

The "Influencers" section is crucial for identifying relevant influencers in different markets. Thanks to its numerous filters, Minea enables a refined search, facilitating the selection of influencers in line with a brand's specific objectives.

In the previous article, we saw in detail all the filters for searching the "Influencers" section. Now we will study all the information that Minea has in its database on influencers.

Firstly, from the main page of this section you have certain information such as:

  • Name of the influencer
  • Country
  • Number of followers
  • Number of placements in the last few days

First, you have the option of adding this influencer to your favourites list so that you can save them and review their profile again later (1). Then you can click on the eye icon to go to an influencer's detail page (2). 

Details of an influencer's profile

Let's take the example of the famous "Maddyburciaga", a French influencer. Once the eye icon is clicked, this is the type of very detailed page we get. 

Let's start with the Analytics tab (1). The first indications we find are the last placements and the most frequent partnerships of the influencer. We can click on the last placements of the influencer (2).

Latest influencer placements

When we click on one of the influencer's latest placements, we can see the product placement stories. We can also go directly to the influencer's Instagram page, find out their country of origin, their engagement rate and their number of followers as on the influencer's page. 

It is also possible to see the other placements made by all the influencers with this same brand. Therefore, the more placements there are, the more it shows that the brand is relevant and willing to place its product with many influencers in order to gain maximum exposure. 

If you'd like to know more about investments, here's an article that explains them in detail Minea's "Investments" section

Most frequent partnerships

We're back on the "Analysis" tab of an influencer's detail page (1).

Thanks to this tab, you can also find the most frequent partnerships, i.e. the brands (boutiques) that work most often with this influencer (2).

If a brand repeats its placements with the same influencer, this means that the influencer is selling well and giving the brand a good margin. The brand therefore decides to multiply placements with them. It's a smart and simple way of finding out which products work well with each influencer, and which types of products are worth placing.

We can then click on one of the shops (brands) in the image above (2).


We then come to the analysis of the shop in question (brand), which we find in Minea's "Shops" section. For more details on this section, go to this article.

Detailed data

 Here we are again, back on the "Analysis" tab of an influencer's detail page. When we scroll down a little, 8 numbers will appear:

  • The number of followers of the influencer and its evolution (1).
  • The influencer's engagement rate (proportion of active followers out of all followers) (2).
  • Retention rate

This is the percentage of repeat placement by a brand with an influencer. The higher the rate, the better the return, so brands will repeat the same product placement with an influencer. As we don't have access to this confidential information, we can nevertheless make an estimate (3).

  • Average number of Ecom placements per day

This number indicates whether or not the influencer places a lot of products per day. Above two placements a day, it can be considered that the influencer is placing a lot, and that the product risks being drowned out among the others. It's better to choose an influencer with one or two placements per day maximum (4).

  • The influencer's average likes on their Instagram account (5).
  • The average number of comments per post (6).
  • Number of active followers

This is the percentage of followers who are actually active on the influencer's account and therefore engage (like, comment, share, etc.). The higher the percentage, the better (7). 

  • Investments over last 30 days 

This is the number of placements made by the influencer over the last month. If it's too high, there's a risk of not noticing and paying attention to all the products that have been promoted (8).

Then, still from the same page, three more data:

  • Age of the audience

A very clear percentage of theaudience 's ageby range will appear. So it's easy to understand who the influencer is primarily targeting with his placements (1).

  • Country audience

Another interesting percentage is the location of followers. Perhaps the influencer's entire audience is in the same country, or perhaps several countries are involved. This is a metric to be observed as closely as the others.

All these points provide key information on how successful your product can be with such and such a public figure. If our audience is mainly in Spain, and our influencer doesn't reach anyone in Spain, but mainly subscribers in France and Belgium, then we need to move on and focus on a profile with a Spain-based audience (2).

  • At last the sex of the audience

Find out concretely by percentage the predominant gender in the observed influencer's audience (3).

Finally, here are the last two data items on this page:

  • Audience growth 

It's a curve that determines the evolution of the number of followers per month. It's an interesting way of finding out whether the influencer's evolution is positive or not, and whether it's worthwhile to seek a partnership with this influencer over time. If the curve is negative, we'll avoid contacting this influencer who's been losing followers recently (1).

  • Main categories

These are the product/industry categories for which the influencer is accustomed to working. It's important to remember that an influencer will always agree to work for what suits him or her, what appeals to him or her, what is important to him or her. If the influencer is not at all interested in your niche, and you decide to try to offer your product when he or she has never placed a product in your field, it's of no value. You'll be wasting your time (2).

Influencer placements

On the Product Placement tab, track your influencer's growth/activity by day. You can observe the number of product placements per day. If your influencer's curve is fairly stable and not too high, that's a good point for you. 

On the other hand, if you observe very high peaks in placements, you need to check the consistency and stability of the influencer's placements. Remember, too, that you don't want to invest in a partnership for which you don't really have a place or value.

Below this curve, you can find all the influencer's placements in order of age, from the most recent to the oldest. You will then have access to each product sheet. In this sheet you have :

  • The name of the brand, of the shop with which the partnership took place
  • The name of the influencer
  • The date and time of placement
  • The country
  • The platform on which the placement was made
  • The number of followers the influencer has
  • Influencer engagement rate
  • Access to stories 
  • Access to the details page through the eye icon 
  • The possibility of adding the placement sheet to favourites

Placed stores

This last tab allows you to find all the stores (brands) for which an influencer has already run influencer marketing campaigns. It shows how many brands have trusted this influencer. 

The more brands, the better known the influencer. If a brand has placed a certain number of times with the same influencer, it's a sign of a successful and profitable partnership.


Best practices and tips for effective product placement

Comply with current rules and regulations

Compliance with laws and regulations concerning advertising and product placement is essential. This includes transparency about paid partnerships and the authenticity of recommendations. Failure to comply with these rules can result in sanctions and damage to brand reputation.

In France, product placement is governed by several rules, in particular those established by theARPP (Autorité de Régulation Professionnelle de la Publicité).

Advertising must be clearly identifiable as such, avoiding any confusion for the consumer. (Example: the famous "This video contains a commercial communication" on YouTube).

Choose products that are relevant to the influencer and his/her audience

The relevance of the product to the influencer and his/her audience is essential. A health and wellness-focused influencer offering fitness or nutrition products will have a more authentic and credible impact with their audience.

Integrate the product subtly and naturally into the content

Product integration must be subtle and organic to avoid appearing forced or artificial. Natural integration reinforces the authenticity of the placement and enhances the viewer's experience.

Monitor trends and platforms

Keeping abreast of the latest trends and platform developments is crucial. For example, the emergence of TikTok has opened up new opportunities for product placement, requiring strategies to be adapted to maximize impact on this particular platform.


How do I contact a brand for product placement?

To contact a brand for a product placement, it's advisable to prepare a presentation file highlighting your audience, your content style, and examples of successful collaborations. Brands are looking for partners who can truly add value to their product.

How to become a product placement influencer?

To become an influencer specializing in product placement, it's important to build an engaged audience, develop a unique content style, and demonstrate an ability to influence your community's purchasing decisions.

Who does product placement?

Product placements are made by brands from all sectors, looking to promote their products through influencers and content creators on different platforms.

How much do influencers pay?

Rates for influencers vary widely, depending on their notoriety, the size of their audience, and the specificity of the campaign. Rates can range from a few hundred to several thousand euros per publication.

What are the steps involved in contacting a brand for product placement?

Steps include researching brands aligned with your content, preparing a value proposition, making contact via professional channels, and negotiating partnership terms.

How do you get started as an influencer in product placement?

To get started, it's important to develop a specific niche, create quality content, build an engaged audience, and actively seek partnerships with brands that match your style and audience.

What are the most important criteria for choosing an influencer for product placement?

Important criteria include the size and engagement of the influencer's audience, the relevance of their content to the product, their credibility and reputation, and their ability to generate conversions.

What are the different forms of remuneration for product placement?

Forms of remuneration vary and can include a fixed payment, commission on sales, free products, or a combination of these.

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