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PiPiADS : Reviews, Features & Pricing


All the statistics confirm that TikTok is taking the lead among social networks, and will soon become the social network with the largest number of active users, far ahead of Facebook.

Indeed, e-tailers and dropshippers are increasingly flocking to this fast-growing social network, and there's no stopping them. This justifies the multiplication of advertisers on the social network. More and more e-commerce brands are taking advantage of this massive user presence to promote their products.

As a dropshipper, all you have to do is identify trends and new products on the platform and resell them in your online store. In this article, we'll be talking about PiPiADS, a TikTok product search tool. 

We'll take a detailed look at the tool's features, its pricing plan and its advantages and disadvantages. 

Discover PiPiADS

PiPiADS is a product search tool on TikTok. PiPiADS enables its users to find winning products quickly. As mentioned above, a big trend is being created on the TikTok social network, and advertisers are taking advantage of it to build a presence on the platform to promote their products and services.
But to succeed in dropshipping, all you need to do is find the winning product that's already being sold by others and resell it on your store. This is the role played by PiPiADS. 

But how does PiPiADS work?
After running a number of tests with the tool, we found that its operating principle isn't all that different from other product search tools that play the same role as it, such as the Minea product search tool.

PiPiADS is equipped with robots that spy on the TikTok social network and collect all advertising information. This information is stored in the tool's database, which users can consult to search for their winning products. In terms of data collection, the main difference between PiPiADS and other product search tools like Minea is the amount of advertising collected .

During our various tests, we found that the tool only collects a small proportion of the ads that are made on the social network, compared with Minea, which collects all ads not only from TikTok but also from other social networks such as FacebookInstagram and Pinterest. This makes it the adspy tool with the largest database. 

In short, PiPiADS enables its users to find winning products to sell online, to spy on competitors' stores by providing data on their best products and also on the various marketing strategies they use to promote their products.
In the next chapter, we'll find out what PiPiADS can do for you. 


What are the PiPiADS features?

In terms of features, PiPiADS offers us 3 main groups of tools for finding winning products on TikTok. We'll look at each tool and talk about their roles and how you can use them for your product search. 

Let's start with the very first tool offered by the tool: TT Ad Search

TT Ad Search

TT Ad Search is the first tool you have access to after registering on the platform. In simple terms, TT Ad Search is the database in which the advertisements collected by the tool on TikTok are stored.

Thanks to this tool, you can have a global view of the advertisements that are put online on TikTok. In fact, to find a winning product, all you have to do is search using the various filters offered by the tool. 

You can filter ads by: 

  • Category;
  • Keyword;
  • Country ;
  • Type of call to action; 
  • Publication date and date of last view ;
  • Number of prints ;
  • The number of reactions ;
  • The type of e-commerce platform ;
  • The type of landing page.

These filters will enable you to optimize your search. Please note that PiPiADS does not offer niche filters. So you can't filter your search according to a specific dropshipping niche. This can make your search time-consuming and tedious, as you can get lost in the niches and get confused. 

Minea, on the other hand, offers niche searching, enabling users to filter their searches according to well-defined criteria.
PiPiADS offers another tool similar to the first. It's called "Product Search".


Product Search

ProductSearchis also one of PiPiADS' most frequently used tools. The only difference with the first tool we've just seen is that in this tab, PiPiADS algorithms only gather new products that are published on TikTok .

How can this be useful for a dropshipper?
Whether in dropshipping or in any other business, products always end up saturated to the point where even if you use the best marketing strategies, you'll have a really hard time positioning yourself on these products. That's why it's so important to identify products as soon as they enter the market, so you can be among the first to position yourself on them. 

In fact, with PiPiADS' Product Search tool, you'll be able to quickly identify new products coming onto the market, and seize the chance to be among the first to sell these products on your store.
The advantage of being among the first is that even if the product becomes saturated later on, you'll still be able to keep selling, because you've already created a brand identity around the product, making your marketing more credible and stronger. 

Now let's take a look at the third PiPiADS tool.


Winning Products

This PiPiADS tab contains only the winning products. In fact, it's TikTok's best-performing products that the robots collect, based on several criteria such as engagement, impressions, comments, number of sales and many others.

It's even advisable to start your product search by going straight to this tab, as you won't have to bother searching for the best-performing products on the platform for hours on end. 

The small problem here is that PiPiADS doesn't offer you several filters to optimize your search. For the moment, you can only filter by keyword and date of publication. This is still very limited in terms of filtering compared to Minea, which lets you filter by category, niche, e-commerce platform, country, language and even audience .
As a result, your search will take longer, as you'll have to search each product niche and dropshipping category manually.

And when you're interested in a product, you can get more information by clicking on it. Here is some of the information you can obtain for each product: 

  • Commitment rate ; 
  • Number of prints ;
  • Estimated advertising budget ;
  • Date of publication ;
  • Date of last view ;
  • Estimated number of orders ;
  • Target country ;
  • Type of e-commerce platform used ;

This data will undoubtedly enable you to see how the ad performs, so you'll know whether it's worth testing on your dropshipping store. However, we recommend that you always carry out secondary surveys to see the true trend of the product before putting it online on your dropshipping store.


So here are the main PiPiADS features you can use to find the winning product to sell on your dropshipping store.


Other PiPiADS features

PiPiADS also features a product search tool specifically for the Etsy platform. Indeed, if you want to sell dropshipping products or do e-commerce on Etsy, you can use PiPiADS to find your winning product that you can sell on this online sales platform.
Although the feature is still in the testing phase, you can still use it to find your winning product to sell on Etsy. The tool works in exactly the same way as the other tools discussed above.
For each tool you'll get relevant information to help you make the right choice for your dropshipping business. 

We can't talk about the other useful features of PiPiADS without mentioning its chrome extension. In fact, PiPiADS has a chrome extension that lets you spy on your competitors' Shopify stores.
First, you need to install your chrome browser. Every time you visit a dropshipping or e-commerce store based on the Shopify platform, you'll get the store's top products and some statistics on traffic and sales. 

However, this only applies to stores hosted on Shopify. If your competitor uses another online store hosting platform like WordPress, you won't be able to spy on them. This is another limitation of PiPiADS.
On the other hand, you can use Minea to spy and get relevant data on any dropshipping store, regardless of the hosting platform used by your competitor.


PiPiADS Pricing : How much does PiPiADS cost?

In terms of price, PiPiAds has a reputation for being much more expensive than its competitors. The basic tool offers 3 plans: 

  • The VIP package, which costs $155 per month, lets you see up to 1,000 ads per search. Of the 1000 ads, you're only allowed to see the analyses of 200 per day. Apart from that, you'll have to wait until the next day to see the results of your ad analyses. 
  • The Pro package, which costs $263 per month, lets you see up to 3,000 ads per search. Unlike the VIP package, here you can analyze up to 1000 products per day. 
  • The corporate package is designed for companies with several employees. All offers are tailored to your needs. 

Our opinion on PiPiADS

After our various tests, we've found that PiPiADS is much more of a tool for those new to dropshipping. If you're just starting out in dropshipping, you don't need to mess around with the advanced marketing strategies provided by other product search tools like Minea. 

Here's what you need to know about the tool. 


Minea the all-in-one tool, the best alternative to Pipiads 

Landing page Minea

Minea is the all-in-one product research tool that every dropshipper must have. As a beginner, PiPiADS provides you with enough information to start dropshipping on TikTok. You won't necessarily need a more sophisticated tool, at the risk of getting lost in the information. 

However, if you're already experienced in the market and want to take your dropshipping store to the next level, it's best to use a more advanced tool like Minea, which provides more detailed and accurate information. 

What's more, Minea collects ads on virtually all the major social networks, unlike PiPiADS, which only collects information on TikTok. As a result, its database is smaller, which won't necessarily be to the advantage of the advanced dropshipper who needs as much information as possible.
Especially if you want to do influencer marketing, the best tool you can use is Minea , which enables you to make advanced studies of influencers and the best product placements. 

Minea influencer section



TikTok has become the benchmark network for online advertising. If you're interested in dropshipping and using TikTok to promote your products, you can use PiPiADS, a product search tool that collects advertisements generated by ads on TikTok. 

If you want to take your dropshipping a step further and take your business to the next level, we invite you to try Minea, the search tool used by leading dropshippers.

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