Discover the Minea Business Center


What is the Business Center?

Minea launched its affiliate programme last year. The idea behind this affiliate programme is to give anyone the opportunity to promote the Minea application and receive a commission in return. Indeed, through this program, you will receive lifetime commissions on people who subscribe to a paid subscription through an affiliate link that will be assigned to you and thus easily generate monthly income.

Do you need to have a community or a blog to get started? No, you just need to be motivated and committed to creating great lists of winning products alongside your business. Once you have these lists available, you can share them with your friends, in groups, on YouTube, etc. So, on every person who is interested in your list and who subscribes to Minea through this, you will receive a commission as remuneration through the Minnea Business Center.

In order to learn more about how Minea's Business Center works, we invite you to read this article in full. 

To begin with, we invite you to watch this short introductory video by way of summary:

How do I connect to the Business Center?

First of all, to activate your "Business Center" you have to go to "My account". Then you have to go to "Advanced Settings" and "Activate Business Mode" as shown in the image below.

Activate business mode

A "Business center" tab then appears on the left of your screen:

The "Business Center" tab will then appear on the left of your screen

At this stage, it is important to connect youraffiliateaccount in order to have access to yourbusiness centre.

connect your "affiliate" account

Don't have an affiliate account? No problem! Simply enter your e-mail address in the box shown in the image above and follow the steps to create one. However, if you're still having trouble creating your affiliate account after this procedure, please contact us directly via Customer Service.

Navigating the Business Center

After logging in or creating your affiliate account, you will now have access to your"Business Center". There you can copy your affiliate link to share it with your community.

Navigating the Business Center

In addition, in your Business Center, you will find all your statistics, the number of people who have signed up for the program thanks to the affiliate link (sign ups); the people who have subscribed to a paid Minea subscription with your link (Clients or Customers); as well as the associated earnings (30% commission for all paid subscriptions).

Business center Minea

Then you can create your "product winners" lists directly.

you can create your "product winners" lists directly. 

Now, with the Business Center, you can manage access to these lists before sharing them with your community. 

As we've already mentioned, if you don't have a community or a website, that's not a problem. There are several other avenues you can exploit to achieve easy success. For example, you can share your lists with your friends; on groups, on blogs and many other platforms to which you have access. We're sure you'll find plenty of inspiration here! 

In addition, you can condition access to your lists according to the following criteria:

  • Public access. Here you indicate that anyone can access your lists.
  • Private access. This criterion specifies that only those with an account (Free, Starter and Premium) can see them. This is ideal for encouraging subscriptions via your lists.
  • Premium access. Here, only premium members will be able to access your lists. This type of access is ideal for getting people to subscribe through your affiliate link so that you can earn your commissions.
Business center Minea


Case study: How to create a list of Winners and make the most of it

After activating the business center, you need to create a list as described above. Then you need to populate it! Here's what you can put in a list on Minea: 

  • Successful ads (Facebook or Pinterest); 
  • Great Dropshipping shops to draw inspiration from; 
  • Influencers and product placements! 

As an example, in the list below there are 12 successful Facebook ads and 4 successful product placements:

As an example, in the list below there are 12 successful Facebook ads and 4 successful product placements:

To make the most of the list you have created, you can give access only to premium members (1). This way, all people who want to access the Winners of the list must have a Premium membership.

In addition, you can define the number of visible items before restricting the user's access from a given level (2). This is a plus that allows you to attract more people to take action.

Business center Minea

In this example, the user can only see 2 of the 14 Facebook ads in the list (see image below)

Business center Minea

Now all you have to do is copy the promo link from the list and distribute it to your community, if you have one. Otherwise, share it with your friends, on groups, etc.

Modify your list

The listing link is actually an affiliate link of type:‍

You will find the list identifier(lists/public/2d18e0e8-304f-486b-9a04-453182c905d7) followed by your affiliate reference (?ref=thibaultthuillier3).

All people who sign up for a Premium membership within 15 days of viewing your list will be assigned to you. As a result, you will receive 30% of their lifetime subscription as a commission.

TIPS: You can use and even clone our top Winners' picks to create your lists. Indeed, each month, we put at your disposal the best winning products of the month. You can discover them through this link: https: //

In addition, you can use the loyalty program rewards you have unlocked

Bonus list

As you can see, Minea's affiliate program is designed to help you make the most of your business center. It's an opportunity for you to develop a side business and easily generate monthly income through affiliation. So the ball's in your court - it's up to you! 


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