Minea logoHow to create a brand image with dropshipping? Our ultimate guide

How to create a brand image with dropshipping? Our ultimate guide


When it comes to dropshipping, creating a brand is an essential step. It's a way of developing your reputation in the marketplace. Beyond creating a name and logo, you need to think about how you're going to successfully establish your product's identity. How do I go about creating a dropshipping brand image?

In dropshipping, how important is it to create a brand image?

In the world of dropshipping, before marketing the winning products found on Minea, you need to work on your brand image. What do you need to know about your brand?

  • Definition of the brand image 

It should be borne in mind that the brand is not only the recognisable name or logo. It is also the way consumers perceive a company's names, products and logos. 

When creating a brand, it is necessary to create a consistent image. This should be associated with all aspects of the company. Consistency should be added to the emotions the company wishes to convey and to the design of the brand. 

In order to build up a brand image, webshops use their technical and aesthetic knowledge. Technical skills are most useful for the design of the webshop, the quality of the writing and content, the colour schemes used. When it comes to branding, this refers to the product itself, it applies to the packaging, the price, etc. In terms of the intangible experience, this is reflected in the shared experiences between the target markets and the brand. It also refers to the relationship between the brand and the customers.

  • Why is it important to create a brand image?

Brand image is the impression that customers have about a business or a shop, a sign or a brand. It is a very important element in the commercial field, especially in dropshipping. On the web, many dropshippers will market a given product. A good brand image will distinguish each seller. 

Creating a brand image: the steps to take beforehand 

Are you planning to launch an online store? First of all, you'll need to research the market you're entering. Next, you'll need to define the values that will be associated with your brand image

  • Conducting in-depth market research 

By starting with thorough market research you will gain a better understanding of your customer base. You will have a better overview of the gaps and opportunities you could exploit. When doing this research, you need to ask yourself the right questions. Ask yourself if there are any needs that other brands or dropshippers have failed to meet. Try to detect poorly exploited niches that could become profitable. 

Through good market research, you will have access to essential data. You will have the information to position your products and brand effectively. In this phase you will see : 

  • The best sales channels;
  • The traffic you can take advantage of;
  • Emerging trends, etc. 

Having the essential information will make it easier to make the right decisions for your operation.

  • Determine your brand values and promise 

In order to distinguish yourself from your competitors, you will need to respect some values. This will help you to stand out and make a strong impact. Define in advance the values for which you want to be known. For example, if you are planning to offer cosmetic products, emphasise health and well-being. 

With your market analysis, it may be easier for you to state your brand promise. Your customers will expect you to deliver on your promise through your products and the way your business operates (e.g. customer service).

How do you create and communicate your brand image?

In dropshipping, brand image is crucial. Therefore, every aspect of it must be taken into account. 

  • Determine the visual elements of your e-commerce shop and your brand 

How do you create a brand image? After determining your values, consider the visual aspect of your brand. According to leading companies, it is important to create an emotional connection with your customers. It's a way to get their attention. Every visual you design is going to be essential in conveying the emotions that will be assimilated into your brand.

To communicate effectively with your customers, use good visuals and a good graphic charter. Every detail can make a difference. This is why you should choose the colour scheme and typography carefully. These are elements that will help identify your company easily. By creating a careful and thoughtful visual brand identity, your shop will inspire a sense of confidence and power. Use only good quality communication materials and design.

To help you stand out, ask your suppliers or service providers to associate your brand identity with your dropshipping products. For example, you can use packaging with your brand on it. Make sure that your customers always see your identity, no matter where they go. Display your logo from the first search phase, during the prospecting process until the products are received.

  • Find a way to differentiate your product 

The best way to stand out from the competition is often to offer something unique or better than the competition. With white-label dropshipping, it's a little different, since dropshippers don't have a direct view of their products. A supplier will also offer its products to other e-tailers. As a result, dropshippers will display similar items (same descriptions and same features).

In order to stand out from the crowd, you can start customising the packaging or the label of the product. This is a way of making your product unique, without having to spend money on completely new items. You can also explore other interesting avenues. Touch up your product photos. If you have the knowledge, make the changes yourself. If not, ask a professional to do the necessary retouching. Think of new product names. Choose unique and attractive names. On your platform, don't just post the product sheets sent by suppliers. Write more convincing descriptions. 

  • Registering your trademark 

Once you have created your trademark, declare it to the National Institute of Industrial Property. This is a way of protecting your online shop. Once you have obtained a certificate issued by the INPI, no one will be able to use your brand image. Your competitors will not be able to sell products that are confusing with your brand. You will benefit from a monopoly of exploitation in your territory for 10 years, renewable indefinitely. Before launching your trademark, make sure it has not yet been registered.


The dropshipping business is highly competitive. To generate good revenues with white-label dropshipping, you'll need to stand out from the crowd. If you master your brand image, your customers will easily identify and remember you. Looking for a winning product that will help your brand stand out from the crowd? Rely on Minea.

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