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Best tips for choosing a dropshipping supplier


When planning to create an online shop, dropshipping is a real choice. It allows you to start your business without having to pay a fortune. In order to ensure success, it is essential to pay particular attention to certain points. Among these, it is essential to know which supplier to choose in dropshipping.

How to choose a supplier for dropshipping

In e-commerce, choosing a dropshipping supplier is one of the most important steps to success. The right choice will ensure an optimum turnover. In this respect, dropshipping has a lot to do with it. One should make sure to choose suppliers that are able to meet one's needs. One of the most important points to consider is the relationship that you have to maintain with them.

  • Choosing suppliers based on niche

In dropshipping, choosing a supplier can have an impact on the niche you decide to target. It should be noted that not all suppliers specialise in the same areas of items. Some focus on a niche, while others choose to offer generalist marketplaces. Very often, choosing a supplier who specialises in a specific sector helps to ensure the quality of the items sold. On the other hand, generalist suppliers have a different expertise of items compared to specialised suppliers. In order to be more successful in the selection process, the use of certain tools, such as Google Trends, offers a better lead.

  • Choosing suppliers based on production location

Supplier choice can also depend on their geographical location. While some are in the United States, others are in China. This can impact delivery times for sales in Europe. Additionally, the farther the packages come from, the higher the carbon footprint. Therefore, it is essential to inquire about the shipping methods implemented by each supplier.

  • Choosing suppliers based on prices

Before making a decision, you should analyze the sale prices offered by suppliers. Calculating and anticipating the margin is a crucial step. It is essential to know that not all suppliers offer the same prices. You need to carefully check the sale prices of each item offered by dropshipping suppliers. Compare all products and associated costs according to each supplier. When calculating the profit margin, remember to account for shipping costs. These vary depending on the distance between the delivery location and the dropshipping suppliers.


Key factors for choosing a dropshipping supplier

In dropshipping, knowing which supplier to choose depends on several factors, including:

  • The items you want to sell
  • The trust established from the relationship with a given supplier and their seriousness
  • The target area within the business context
  • The opportunity for integration into a marketplace or CMS

How to choose a French dropshipping supplier?

The search for a French dropshipping supplier is a little more difficult, as the offer is often very limited. This involves finding a wholesaler who can ship from France. Even so, the chances of finding one are not entirely zero. You can, for example, take advantage of the entire Cdiscount Pro catalog, with Cdiscount prices, in the dropshipping business. To prevent everyone from accessing its catalog, Cdiscount has set up a subscription that can cost thousands of euros annually. As a result, this option may require a larger investment in order to be affordable.

The best way to find a French dropshipping supplier is to canvass small brands, depending on the sector in which they operate. Offering such a concept is a win-win situation for small brands. It's a win-win situation for small brands, who benefit from greater visibility thanks to the implementation of a genuine communications strategy. What's more, they don't have to pay anything at all, throughout the entire process.

How to choose a european or Asian dropshipping supplier?

With regard to European and Asian suppliers, partnerships can be offered with one of the major wholesalers. Among these, the best known are Aliexpress and Bigbuy. Aliexpress is a Chinese reference supplier, while the latter is a European supplier that specialises in dropshipping. When creating a site with Shopify or Dropizi, a few clicks are needed to import millions of products. Dropizi's catalogue integration is native. On the other hand, Aliexpress requires the creation of an account on Oberlo in order to use Shopify. However, in dropshipping, choosing one supplier for all offers considerable advantages.


In conclusion, choosing a good supplier is an easy step as long as you start on the right footing. It requires knowledge of certain factors to be taken into account in the selection process. With the help of Minea, you can ensure that you get the best services to succeed in your dropshipping business.


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