Calculating dropshipping profitability in 2024


Dropshipping is a business model that allows you to sell products or items without owning a stock or warehouse. It's the business model most favored by many entrepreneurs because of its ease and the way it works. The dropshipper searches for a winning product on a supplier's site or on marketplaces. Once they've found the ideal product, they put it up for sale on their site and set the selling price.

Then, customers access its website by seeing promotional ads, blogs, advertising and so on. They'll place an order and make a payment on the website. That's where your job comes in. Based on the information provided by the customer, you place an order with your supplier at a lower price. The supplier, in turn, will ship the product directly to your customer on your behalf. 

However, when you start your dropshipping business, there are several calculations you need to make to ensure maximum profitability. To this end, we're going to share with you in this article some effective strategies for calculating and optimizing your dropshipping profitability.

Read on to make sure you don't miss any of our tips.

The advantages of dropshipping

As you already know, dropshipping offers many advantages. Here's a list of some of them:

Lower start-up costs

The advantage of dropshipping is that you don't need a huge cash flow to invest immediately in inventory. All you need is a good marketing strategy that will help you invest capital in the right sources.

What's more, you don't need to own a stockroom or warehouse. Nor do you have to manage other workloads such as packaging, labeling, shipping and so on. What's more, there's less risk of spending capital on unsold products, and opening an outsourcing store.

Easy process

Dropshipping is a fairly simple and easy process to get started with. There are certain aspects that you don't have to manage in the dropshipping business. These include product management, owning inventory, managing packaging, labeling, shipping, warehousing and so on. You can see that half your workload is already off your shoulders. And all you have to manage is the research of winning products, sales and marketing of your online store.

General products

When you dropship, you're not limited to a set number of products or items. Instead, you're open to a wider range of product purchasing opportunities. What's more, you can search for trendy products that suppliers have in stock and sell them on your website.


With dropshipping, you also have flexibility under certain conditions. This means you can access and operate your business from anywhere, at any time. What's more, you can sell a variety of products according to market preferences.

Inventory management

Dropshippers are free to manage and manipulate certain elements. They don't have to waste time tracking stock levels, shipments and so on. In fact, dropshipping eliminates the need to maintain physical stock and also reduces the overheads faced by physical retailers.


What do I need to know to calculate the profitability of dropshipping?

In recent years, dropshipping has attracted growing interest due to its apparent simplicity. However, the success of this business depends largely on effective financial management. To calculate the profitability or roa of your dropshipping business, it's imperative to take a close look at the following two key elements:

Operating costs

Operating costs are one of the first factors to be taken into account when calculating the profitability of dropshipping. They also include two important factors:

  • Storage and shipping costs

One of the major advantages of dropshipping is the absence of the need to store goods. However, there are still costs involved in storing and shipping products. These include warehouse storage costs, shipping costs and any costs involved in handling returns. An accurate assessment of these costs is essential to determine the net profit margin.

  • Transaction and payment processing fees

Online transactions inevitably involve costs. From payment platforms to bank commissions, every transaction generates costs. These costs must be taken into account to establish an accurate profitability calculation. If you ignore these costs, your profit margin can quickly shrink and impact the financial viability of your dropshipping business.

Profit margins

Profit margins are also an important element to consider when calculating the profitability of dropshipping. Among profit margins, we also have two important criteria to consider:

  • Calculating gross profit margins

Calculating gross margins is essential to assess the profitability of your dropshipping business. And that means subtracting the cost of purchasing products from the selling price. These gross margins provide an overview of the overall financial health of the model. What's more, regular analysis of these margins is essential to adjust sales prices, optimize costs and maximize profitability.

  • Impact of discounts and promotions on profit margins

Discounts and promotions are powerful tools for attracting customers, but their impact on profit margins needs to be carefully assessed. Promotions can boost sales, but if not managed wisely, they can reduce margins to an unprofitable level. A thorough analysis of the profitability of discounts and promotions helps determine their real impact on the bottom line.

Now that you know the important elements to consider when calculating the profitability of dropshipping, let's take a look at the different formulas involved in the calculation process.

How do you calculate the profitability of dropshipping?

In this section, we'll review the various steps and formulas that will help you quickly calculate the profitability of your dropshipping business. 

Sales calculation

  • Estimated monthly sales volume

Monthly sales volume represents the total quantity of products you expect to sell in a month. It's essential to estimate this value based on market demand and your logistical capabilities. To make the calculations easier to understand, let's assume, for example, that you plan to sell 100 products per month.

Formula :

  Monthly sales volume = Number of products sold per month

  • Calculation of average selling price per product

The average selling price per product represents the average amount you charge for each item sold. This price should be based on your total sales and monthly sales volume. For example, if your monthly turnover is €10, 000 and you sell 100 products, the average selling price per product would be €100.

Formula : 

Average selling price per product = Monthly sales / Monthly sales volume


Calculating operating costs

  • Estimated monthly shipping and storage costs

As mentioned above, shipping costs include the cost of sending products to customers. Warehousing costs, on the other hand, cover the cost of storing goods. To calculate operating costs, let's assume that shipping costs amount to €500 and warehousing costs to €200, so total costs would amount to €700.

Formula : 

Monthly shipping and storage costs = Monthly shipping costs + Monthly storage costs

  • Calculation of transaction and monthly payment processing fees

Typically, transaction fees include the costs associated with processing payments, including fixed fees and a percentage of sales. Take, for example, a transaction fee percentage of 3% and a fixed fee of €50

Transaction costs for sales of €10,000 would in this case be €350

Formula :

Monthly transaction fee = (Percentage transaction fee X Monthly sales) + Fixed monthly fee

Finally, the total operating cost is the sum of " monthly shipping and storage costs " and " monthly transaction costs ". Taking the above figures into account, we'll have: 

Total operating costs = €700 + €350 = €1050

Once you've calculated your operating costs, the next step is to calculate your net profit margin. In the next section, we'll look at the formulas you'll need to calculate your net profit margin.

Calculating net profit margins

  • Deduction of operating costs from sales

Gross profit represents the difference between total sales and operating costs. It provides a rough measure of the profitability of your dropshipping business. If you have sales of €10,000 and operating costs of €1,050, your gross profit would be €8,950.

Formula : 

Gross profit = Monthly sales - Monthly operating costs

  • Calculation of net profit margin percentage

The net profit margin percentage indicates the proportion of sales that actually represents the company's net profit. For example, if we use the previous figures, the net profit margin would be (€8,950 / €10,000) X 100 = 89.5%.

Formula : 

Net profit margin = (Gross profit / Monthly sales) X 100

How can you analyse the profitability of your dropshipping business in 2024?

Now that you know how to calculate the profitability of your dropshipping business, we'll show you some strategies for analyzing your profitability so you can make the best decisions. 

Interpretation of results

Analysis of dropshipping profitability is based on a number of financial indicators which provide crucial information for assessing the financial health of your business. The results obtained through the preceding calculations provide a solid basis for interpreting the performance of your dropshipping business.

Sales: if, after calculation, you obtain a high sales figure, this indicates strong commercial activity. However, it's crucial to understand whether this sales volume translates into satisfactory profitability.

Operating costs: accurate estimation of costs, such as shipping, storage and transaction costs, is essential. Effective management of these costs contributes directly to improved profitability.

Gross profit: Gross profit represents the gross profit margin before deduction of operating expenses. A positive value is desirable, indicating that the business generates more revenue than it costs.

Net profit margin: this percentage expresses net profitability after all operating costs have been deducted. A high net profit margin is a sign of solid profitability.

Comparison with other e-commerce models

The profitability of dropshipping can be further assessed by comparing it to other e-commerce models. Each model has its own advantages and disadvantages, and comparison helps determine whether dropshipping is the most profitable choice for your business.

  • Dropshipping vs. traditional e-commerce

Dropshipping eliminates the need for storage and inventory management, thus reducing warehousing costs. However, dropshipping can result in higher shipping costs, as each product is shipped individually.

  • Dropshipping vs. own manufacturing (homemade products)

Manufacturing your own products offers total control over product quality and customization. However, this implies higher production costs. Dropshipping, on the other hand, allows you to sell products without any initial investment in production, but the quality depends on the supplier you choose.

  • Dropshipping vs. subscription model 

Subscription models offer a regular revenue stream, but may require greater customer loyalty efforts. Dropshipping focuses on one-off sales, offering flexibility but requiring constant acquisition of new customers.


Tips for optimizing dropshipping profitability 

Now that you've determined your profit margin for dropshipping, you may need to find ways to improve it, whether you're happy with it or not. Because the higher the margin, the better! So here are 3 tips for increasing your margin and profitability.

1. Find a supplier with a good price 

If you're just starting out, you should look for a supplier offering reasonable prices to avoid future cost increases. If your customers are price-sensitive, be sure to get quotes from different suppliers before placing an order that offers the best value for money. This will give you a better understanding of the general market price for particular products. 

Next, be honest and straightforward with potential suppliers about the price range you're looking for. However, avoid haggling over a price that's too low, as you could end up trading price for product quality. As you all know, poor-quality products drive customers away. 

If you like dropshipping on AliExpress or Zendrop, we recommend Minea to help you find winning products and reliable suppliers. The tool also features a function that lets you find a large number of suppliers on AliExpress using the image of your winning product. 

If you've set up your dropshipping store on Shopify, Minea makes it even easier for you to import products. With just one click, you can import all your products directly into your store, adding a personal touch. You can modify the meta-description by asking the AI to write a description according to your criteria.

2. Constantly monitor your key indicators

At first, tracking your dropshipping profit margin may seem difficult. However, once you have your net and gross margins in hand, you'll be able to monitor many aspects of your dropshipping business.

Therefore, make sure you constantly monitor your profit margin statistics. This will help you adapt to changes in a specific market, maximize your pricing strategy and actively monitor your management costs.

Overall, this routine will help you keep a close eye on your development and evaluate the performance of your dropshipping business.

3. Upselling and cross-selling

Finally, up-selling or cross-selling your products is one of the most effective techniques for increasing your profit margins. These are sales strategies designed to persuade customers to spend more by purchasing additional or related products. To increase the average basket value, you can add premium add-ons to your existing products.

For example, a small add-on module could help you increase your margins. Let's take the example of an Etsy store selling phone covers. In addition to personalized phone covers, they also offer phone handles, phone holders, personalized phone holders, etc., to boost sales and revenue.

You can increase your average order value, and therefore your dropshipping profit margin, by supplying these additional products.



Calculating your dropshipping profit margin can seem overwhelming at first. But once you've measured your net and gross margins with the profit margin formula, you have the ability to track many facets of your dropshipping business. Finally, track important metrics such as average order value, conversion rates and other expenses to optimize your strategy and increase your online store sales.

Frequently asked questions

What is a good profit margin for dropshipping?

The average profit margin for dropshipping is between 15 and 20%. However, this can vary considerably depending on the dropshipping niches you've chosen and the average cost of your goods. Try to aim for a profit margin above 20% to make the most of the best dropshipping products you sell.

How can I find out how much a dropshipping store earns?

It's called "Store Intelligence". With this feature, you can fill in the URL of a dropshipping store, and it will show you lots of data, including monthly traffic, average. product price, monthly orders and monthly revenue.

What's the best budget for dropshipping?

With all the dropshipping tools and resources available online, you don't need a lot of money to start a successful business. Although in some cases you may only need a few dollars to start your store and build a customer base organically, around $100 can get you started.

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