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12+Best Dropshipping TikTok products in 2023


TikTok has become a benchmark in the world of social networking, thanks to its ability to create viral trends in the blink of an eye. As a result, dropshipping on TikTok has become a prime target for sellers looking for new products. In this article, we present the 12 best TikTok dropshipping products in 2023, according to buyer preferences.

So don't miss this opportunity to harness the viral power of tiktok to make money with your dropshipping business. We're off.

The best TikTok dropshipping products

If you want to find something to sell effectively on the net, here are the 12 best TikTok dropshipping products to market:

LED strip lights

LED strip lights are the ideal product for creating that "aesthetic" ambience in your room. If you see your neighbor's house lit up with these brightly colored lights, then they've probably seen it on TikTok.

You'll mainly see the LED strips used in all the dance videos created by the new generation on TikTok. Even today, this is an in-demand product with which you can easily sell over the internet and make serious profits.



The star projector is another profitable product on TikTok that you'll see in videos from time to time. It's the perfect gift for people who have always been fascinated by the wonders of space. If you don't have time to camp under the stars, you can reproduce this view on your ceiling. This product is ideal for creating that movie night ambience, or just lying back peacefully.

Best Tik Tok dropshipping products: jewelry


Jewelry can easily go viral, as it's one of the best products on the market. All you have to do is be creative and introduce a new design to the market in order to sell certain products. Whether you're marketing necklaces, bracelets, earrings or anklets, as long as it looks good, it'll go viral on TikTok.

Hair dryer and straightener

Hair dryer and straightener

No need to buy a hair dryer and straightener separately! Numerous analyses have shown that this two-in-one product can be sold simply because it's easy to use. Its portability is the main reason for its popularity, and the fact that it can save you money is also a bonus. So, if you have the opportunity to market this product, don't hesitate.

Home care products

Home care products

Home cleaning videos are often in vogue on TikTok. Internet users show the "before" and "after" condition of their home. Finally, most merchants market a cleaning product to get rid of stubborn stains. This shows that if you can find home cleaning products that deliver on their promises, this niche can become profitable.


The popularity of camping has grown considerably over the years. The same is true of hammocks, a product that can be purchased online. You don't have to be a survivalist to install one, which can give you a perfect view of the starry sky. These days, hammocks aren't just popular with campers. 

People have also started hanging hammocks in their bedrooms, simply for the comfort they offer. Which means that if you want to offer tiktok dropshipping products, you can introduce them. Simply combine this sought-after product with a star projector to simulate a camping experience in your home!

Pet Hair Cleaner

Those who have a furry companion no doubt know how difficult it can be to keep the house clean. Whether on the sofa or the bed, you can literally find their fur in every corner of the house.

This device has become popular on TikTok for obvious reasons. This makes it a cost-effective product, perfect for e-commerce. It makes your job much easier, helping you to clean fine strands of hair scattered on cloths.

Best tiktok dropshipping products: leggings

Leggings are featured in almost every sports video on TikTok. Not only are they stylish, but they can also help you show off the effort you've put in at the gym.

That's why, of all products, leggings have also become a popular part of everyday dressing. They come in different shapes, sizes and colors. This helps you to win sales and new customers, provided you offer good quality.

Rapid egg cooker

Rapid egg cooker

We all know how annoying it can be to have to make breakfast every morning. That's exactly why this fast egg cooker is all the rage on TikTok.

This appliance can cook up to six eggs at a time with soft, medium or hard firmness. So why not include it in your product catalog if you're looking for the best tiktok dropshipping products? It's an excellent choice. 

Reusable glass straws

Reusable glass straws

As simple as it sounds, these reusable glass straws are all the rage on TikTok and are among the best sellers of the year. First of all, they're inexpensive and perfect for the eco-conscious. 

You'd think a glass straw would break easily, but that's not the case. Those who have used them say they hold up very well, and are the same thickness as milkshake straws. Each pack contains four straws and two cleaning brushes.

Skin purifier

Trying to get rid of make-up residue, or perhaps those blackheads and whiteheads that never seem to go away? This skin-friendly product is ideal for enjoying a professional facial in the comfort of your own home.

It exfoliates superficial skin cells and gives you the refreshed look you want. On your sales site, you can even sell this device with other skin care products, such as a facial serum.

LED mini-humidifier

This LED mini-humidifier has been one of Tik Tok's best dropshipping products for some time. Indeed, it's a great gadget for keeping the air fresh while you work.

Available in several lighting modes, you can choose it to suit your preferences. What's more, it can hold water for over 10 hours, so you don't have to refill it too often. Thanks to its small size, you can keep it on your desk or even in your car's cup holder.

How to find the best tiktok dropshipping products?

To find the best Tik Tok dropshipping products, you need to follow certain steps: 

Trend analysis on TikTok

On TikTok, trends emerge quickly and can influence user preferences. By monitoring viral videos, popular hashtags and trending challenges, you can unearth products that capture the public's interest. Identify emerging trends in your niche and consider selling products that match your offer.

Use of product search tools

Many online tools can help you find popular dropshipping products on TikTok. Among them, Minea is the most widely used and comprehensive tool for spying on ads on social networks. With this tool, you can quickly find the best Tik Tok dropshipping products for sale. It lets you filter products by : 

  • Keyword,
  • Domain name,
  • Date uploaded, date viewed,
  • Countries,
  • Language,
  • Number of Likes, shares, comments,
  • Type of e-commerce platform,
  • Number of downloads
  • Number of views.

When it comes to ad data, Minea stands out from the crowd by offering the largest number of ad details. That's why it's easier to find a winning product using Minea. Thanks to its library, you can obtain detailed information on each ad, such as :

  • Duration of the online ad,
  • Social engagement of the ad (Views, Likes, Shares, Downloads, Shares...),
  • Other ads in the same store,
  • The complete store analysis,
  • Target audience, 
  • The link to the store. 

If you're a dropshipper or e-merchant, you know how valuable this information is when it comes to product selection. It enables you to make an informed choice of a winning product for your business. 

Product search on other dropshipping platforms

Dropshipping platforms such as Alibaba, Oberlo and CJ Dropshipping are brimming with popular digital products. Explore these platforms and look for virtual products that have already been successful on other sales channels. If a product is popular on other platforms, chances are it will also be of interest to TikTok users.

Observing influencers and content creators on TikTok

Influencers and content creators on TikTok can give you clues about the best-selling products on the platform. You need to monitor these popular accounts in your niche and observe the products they feature. Then identify the products that generate positive comments and strong interaction with the public. These products have the potential to succeed in your dropshipping strategy on TikTok.


Finding the best dropshipping products on TikTok is essential to success in this field. It's therefore crucial to follow trends, analyze audience needs and select unique and attractive products. Exploration and experimentation are necessary to discover what works best on TikTok. 

However, it's important to emphasize the opportunities for growth and success offered by this platform. TikTok offers an active and engaged audience, as well as opportunities for virality and influence. By fully exploiting these advantages, you can maximize your visibility and achieve your growth objectives in dropshipping.

Frequently asked questions 

How can I find dropshipping products on TikTok?

There's an easier way to find products on TikTok. It involves going to the search bar, exploring popular hashtags and analyzing the number of people talking about those products. You can either opt to dropship the same products, or find a similar niche not yet exploited by many dropshippers.

What products can I sell on TikTok to make money?

Another great way to make money on TikTok is to sell merchandise to your subscribers. Whether it's customized T-shirts with your username or brand or any other item, you can easily make money from the sale of these products.

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