Discovering the Minea Adspy tool


One of the keys to success in Dropshipping is product selection. Indeed, it is necessary to find a product that allows you to be profitable: the famous winning product.

To find a winning product several methodologies exist; Choose a product that is well sold on AliExpress, scan your Facebook news feed looking for ads, or use the Adspy tools, spy tools for social networks.

Finding winning products with an Adspy tool is one of the most effective methods. This method is based on a key indicator: the success of its ad. In other words, if an ad counts a lot of interactions (likes, comments, reactions) it means that the product put forward is viral and necessarily a winner. It is therefore likely to be a winner for you too!

More precisely, the Adspy tool is a spy tool for advertisements on social networks. They collect thousands of ads every day and make them available on their platform. This makes it possible to study the best ads on social networks, to select the most popular products of the moment, or to spy on the best strategies of your competitors.

In summary, these spy tools are real machines for finding winning products. Below, we will discover in detail Minea's facebook adspy.

How is Minea's Adspy tool organized?

In this short tutorial, we will try to understand how to exploit Minea's tool. To do this, we can go to the "Facebook Ads" section. This section lists almost 20 million ads from Facebook.

By default, the tool sorts ads by "last seen date". In other words, the ads that were last seen by Minea on Facebook.

On our side, we can define precise search criteria to target and find Facebook ads in the advertising database. To do this we need to use the search filters:

In the box above we find all the search filters. We will look at each of these filters in detail.

Search by keywords

The keyword search allows us to find all the ads that have these words in their titles or descriptions. We can use it for example to target a niche or to search for a product.

Search by Facebook page name

Searching by page name allows us to identify ads from a specific Facebook page. We can use this filter to analyze ads from a specific competitor (e.g. the Facebook page of a successful shop).

Search by domain name

By placing a competitor's domain name "" in the search bar, we will be able to browse through all the ads that Minea has collected on that competitor.

Filtering by ad view date (Seen date)

Winning product dropshipping

It is possible to filter only the ads that have been seen on Facebook between two specific dates. For example, we can filter the ads that have been seen on Facebook in the last 30 days.

In the rest of this tutorial, we will see the difference between view date, first view date and last view date.

Filtering by country

This filter allows us to filter ads according to the country of their audience. For example, we can search for products that have been successful in the USA, Canada and France.

Filtering by e-commerce platform

We can select the type of destination platform (Shopify, Magento, Woocommerce). For example, by filtering e-commerce platforms, we only target ads promoting e-commerce products.

Filtering by number of likes

We can filter ads by the specific number of interactions they have. In the example above, only ads with more than 3000 likes will appear in the results.

Advanced filtering function

Then, to search deeper into the ad database, we can click on the advanced search settings. More filters appear, and we will see in detail what they allow us to do.

Advanced filtering by date

Here we will see the difference between all the dates we can choose: 

Creation date: Allows you to select a date range in which the ads were created. We can use it to target recent ads or older ads. Indeed, a product that sold well last year can also be successful this year.

First Seen Date : This filter shows when the ad was first seen on Facebook. In other words, this filter allows you to know the date when the ad was collected by our service.

Last seen date: This shows when the ad was last seen on Facebook. If the ad was last seen a long time ago, it is probably no longer active. Conversely, if the ad was last seen a short time ago, it is probably still running on Facebook.

Seendate : allows you to know all the times the ad has been seen by Minea on Facebook.

Advanced filtering by number of reactions

Advanced filtering by number of reactions allows you to filter ads by the number of shares, comments or even by the number of reactions (I love, Haha, Grr, Wouah etc.) they receive.

Advanced filtering by media type 

This filter allows you to define the media type of the ad: image, video, carousel or album.

Advanced filtering by audience type

These filters allow us to identify ads based on their audiences. In addition to country (see above), we can target the gender and age of people who saw the ad on Facebook.

Advanced filtering by Call To Action (CTA)

The type of call to action (CTA) of the ad is the button present on the Facebook ad such as: "Shop now", "Get offer", "Apply now", etc. In e-commerce, this is the button that will bring our prospects to our online store.

Sorting of ads 

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Once we have selected the appropriate filters, we can sort the set of search results by creation date, first/last viewed date, like, comment, reaction, etc.

For example, when sorting by number of shares, the ads with the most shares will appear at the top of the results (see image above). If we decide to sort by "last seen date", the ads that were most recently seen on Facebook will appear at the top of the search results.

In this tutorial, we have gone through the search filters of Minea's Adspy tool. In this next articlewe will see how to search for winning products from this section.

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