BigSpy : Reviews, Ratings, Pricing & Features


Dropshipping is one of the fastest ways to start making money online today. You don't need a lot of capital to get started. All you need to do is find a winning product, set up your store and promote your products to reach your target audience. 

However, the most important part of the process is product research . This is the product you're going to sell on your dropshipping store. Indeed, if you don't find the right product, you'll have trouble getting it to sell on your store. 

Several product search tools are available on the market to help dropshippers find winning products. In this article, I'm going to tell you about BigSpy. It's also one of the product search tools available on the market. You'll learn about its features, benefits, pricing plans and weaknesses. 

What is BigSpy?

BigSpy is a spyware program specially designed to spy on advertisements on social networks. This spying consists in collecting all the advertisements that are on social networks and storing them in a library that will be made accessible to the tool's users. 

Users can then rummage through them to find their winning products. The advantage of using product search tools is that you won't have to manually search the news feeds of social networks, as product search software already takes care of this. This makes product research quicker and less tedious.

Needless to say, the better your search engine, the faster you'll find your winning product. 

Let's go a step further to better understand BigSpy. 

A few figures on the tool 

Numbers speak louder than words. Here are some figures that tell you more about the BigSpy adspy tool. 


These figures come from the BigSpy website, and should be treated with caution. However, they do highlight the tool's potential .

In the next chapters of this article, we'll take a detailed look at the tool's various functions.

What are BigSpy's features?

Product search tools are generally evaluated on 3 main features: search and filter parameters, ad volume and information provided for each ad. 

Let's look at each feature in detail. 

Advanced search and filtering

Search and filter parameters are one of the most important factors in a winning product search tool. In fact, they're so important that without them, the product search tool will be nothing more than a 10,000-page book with no table of contents or page numbering. It will be very difficult for the reader to find something very quickly. It's going to take him quite a while to find it. 

It's the same with product search tools. Like BigSpy, most of these tools have a large database. Indeed, searching this database without using filters can quickly become tedious.

As a result, the more filter and search parameters an adspy tool or product finder has, the better its users will be able to optimize their searches and quickly find the product they're looking for. 

Here's a table summarizing the filters and search parameters available on BigSpy. 


Despite the few search and filter parameters that are missing from BigSpy's offering, it can still be said that the tool has the necessary filters for a good product search. These filters are particularly suitable for beginners. 

But if you already have experience in the market and are looking for more specific products, you'll need search filters like daily likes, engagement rate and many other advanced filters that aren't available on BigSpy. 


Ad volume

Any dropshipper or e-merchant who wants to find their winning product very quickly needs to consider the volume of listings offered by the product search tool before choosing it. 

Why is this volume important?
The ad volume representsthe quantity of ads collected by the tool during its spying .

The importance of opting for a product search tool with a large ad base is that you can be sure of finding your winning product there. There are thousands of ads on the Internet, and if you have a tool that collects thousands of ads, you can rest assured that you'll eventually find your winning product. 

In fact, you can't estimate this quantity based on the various social networks or websites the tool spies on. The more the tool spies, the more it can collect. 

Here are the social networks spied on by the BigSpy adspy tool. 


This table tells us that BigSpy spies on more than 8 channels, with over 500k ads collected per day. This is already enormous in terms of ad collection. However, it's not enough for a tool to collect thousands of ads to be efficient. 

It's important to understand that before selecting a potential winning product, dropshippers base their decisions on a number of criteria, not least the product's performance on the market. So, the more relevant information the tool provides on each ad, the easier it will be for users to find winning products. 

In the next chapter, we'll look at what BigSpy has to offer in terms of ad data. 

Ad data

As mentioned above, the data provided by the product search tool enables its users to make the right choice. The algorithms of product search tools rely on several pieces of information to provide advertising performance data.

Bigspy ad data

In reality, as a dropshipper, you can't base your choice of winning products solely on the visual aspects of the product. Even if this is the first criterion to be taken into account, it's also essential for you to look at the metrics. These are the data that give you a clear idea of the product's performance. 

Here's the data BigSpy provides for each ad found in its ad library.

Ad data


From this table, we can clearly see that BigSpy provides enough information for each listing in its database. This information will enable dropshippers and e-tailers to effectively choose their winning dropshipping products.


Other functions

Aside from the main features discussed above, most product search tools have a few additional features that are just as useful. Here we take a look at BigSpy's secondary features. 

BigSpy's first feature is its Ad Ideas search tool.

Ad ideas

Ad ideas Bigspy

In digital marketing, it's always advisable to draw inspiration from the methods and strategies that are already working on the market for a given product . Once you've found what works, all you have to do is replicate it on your store, while taking care to improve the negative points. 

Ad ideas is a tool from BigSpy that lets you find ad ideas. It's a bit like its ad library, where users will search for winning products, but here it's specifically for finding ad ideas to get inspired by.

For this tool, BigSpy offers filters to optimize your search. For example, you can search by category, language, time period or even social engagement.

For each ad, you'll get some information about the product's performance. BigSpy even lets you see other ads from the same advertiser running in the same period. 

Ad ideas Bigspy


Tracked Bigspy

Tracked is BigSpy's second additional feature. This feature is made up of other small functions. 

The first little feature called "Featured Ad" lets you see ads that are going viral on social networks. This is a great tool for identifying product trends before they are seen by everyone.
Once an ad starts to get significant social engagement, BigSpy automatically classifies it in this category.

You also have "People Tracked", which lets you see which ads BigSpy users are analyzing the most. This is a great way to spy on your competitors, because if there's an ad that's being analyzed or saved by several people, there's probably potential for that product.

In addition, in this "Tracked" tab, you can also see the different ads you have saved during your product search.
Note that there are two major features found in Minea, but not available in Bigspy. These are the Shop Spy tool and the Influencer Marketing analysis tool

The Shop Spy tool enables you to spy on competitors' stores and understand the different marketing strategies they use. It's a very important tool for dropshippers, as it enables them to find stores selling specific products, and learn from their marketing strategies. 

Minea shop section

The Influencer Marketing Analysis tool is a little more advanced and is reserved for experienced e-tailers who want to use the power of influencer marketing to increase their sales. 

Minea influencer section

Minea's influencer marketing analysis tool lets you analyze the product placements, brands and even influencers your competitors are collaborating with. It's a tool that gives you a global view of your competitors.

Don't hesitate to test Minea free of charge to find out more about its features. 


Bigpy Pricing: Pricing plans 

BigSpy offers 3 main price plans. From the free package to the VIP corporate package. The free package is very limited and won't allow you to test the tool effectively. You're better off with a basic package.

Bigpy Pricing: Pricing plans 

Basic package 

This plan costs $9 a month and gives you access to ads collected on Facebook and Instagram. You can search for up to 20 products per day and download up to 25 creatives. After this limit, you have to wait until the following day to use the tool again. 

Please note that the search and filter parameters for this package are very limited. It would therefore be quite difficult to find a winning product.

Pro package 

The Pro package is the most popular and widely used and costs $99 per month. It gives you access to ads collected on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and Yahoo. 

You're entitled to an unlimited number of daily searches , and you can download up to 280 creatives per day. You're also entitled to the additional "Tracked" feature, which allows you to track down advertising ideas. 

The search parameters and filters are advanced enough to help you find your winning product quickly. 

Corporate VIP package 

This package is specially dedicated to businesses. It costs $3,600 per year and gives you access to all ads collected on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Yahoo, AdMob, YouTube, TikTok and Unity.
You get unlimited search, creative downloads and pretty advanced data on each ad. 

And if you choose to pay on an annual basis, you'll pay only $66 a month for the Pro package, instead of $99 a month .

Compared with Minea's Premium plan, which also costs $99 per month, Minea is a better choice because of all the features it offers, especially store analytics and influencer marketing. 


Our opinion about BigSpy

We've just gone through the features offered by the BigSpy product search tool. You can see that, despite its many features, BigSpy is still limited by certain functionalities that are very important for e-tailers and dropshippers, but which are not available on the tool. These include the store spy tool and the influencer marketing analysis tool .

Indeed, we recommend BigSpy for beginners who have just taken their first steps in online sales and want to quickly find their winning products and start generating their first sales. 

On the other hand, if you're already experienced in the market and want to take your sales to the next level, you'll certainly need more data and more tools. So it's best to turn to Minea, an all-in-one product search tool used and recommended by top e-tailers. 

Here's a summary of Bigspy's positive and negative points. 



In this article, we talked about drosphipping product search tools. In particular, we discussed BigSpy , one of the most powerful product search tools on the market. 

BigSpy is a tool for beginners who don't need very advanced ad information. We recommend Minea to dropshippers or e-merchants who want comprehensive product information.

Feel free to test Minea here to discover the tool's full potential. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What does BigSpy do?

BigSpy is an online ad spying tool designed to help companies and individuals find creative inspiration for their marketing campaigns. The platform includes a database of varied advertisements, enabling teams to search for ads using a variety of filters.

Is BigSpy free?

BigSpy offers a free plan that allows you to test the tool's functionality. However, the tool's limitations prevent you from actually testing it. It's best to opt for one of the paid plans to really access the tool.

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