Is Adheart an adspy tool? Reviews, ratings, prices and features


Product search, once a major headache for drophippers and e-tailers, has now become very accessible, thanks to the emergence of product search tools .

These tools, generally referred to as adspy, make product search less tedious and faster for dropshippers and e-tailers. However, product search tools differ from one another in terms of functionality, features and pricing plans.
Some are uniquely suited to one type of business, while others are more generalist, as in the case of Minea. In this article, we'll be talking about Adheart, one of the latest additions to the product search tool market. 

We'll take you through its features, advantages and drawbacks, so you can see if it's right for you, and if it can really help you find your winning product.

What is Adheart?

In simple terms, Adheart is a social network spyware tool whose aim is to collect advertisements made by advertisers and make them available to its users, who are mainly Internet sellers.
The latter use these ads to draw inspiration from what their competitors are doing on the Internet. Thanks to these ads, they are able to identify high-potential products that they can also sell in their online stores. 

In the past, before the advent of product search tools, e-tailers and dropshippers had to manually search for their products on the various social networks and websites. This involved scrolling through news feeds in search of products that were already working.
This method isn't efficient, and is usually quite time-consuming. Hence the importance of using product search tools. To find out more about the Adheart product search tool, let's take a look at some figures found on the tool's website. 

Facts and figures about Adheart

Facts and figures about Adheart

We researched Adheart in depth to get a better idea of the tool's performance. 


From this chart, we can see that Adheart spies on 2 channels to collect its ads and has a large database of over a billion ads. So it's a huge database you can tap into for your product research. 

In the following chapters, we'll look at the various functions offered by the tool. 

What are Adheart's features?

It's not enough for a product search tool to have a large database to be the best Adspy tool. An ad library will be almost useless if it isn't accompanied by other features that will enable users to take advantage of it. 

This is why product search tools are not only evaluated on their ad volume, but also on other features such as search and filter parameters, and the information provided for each ad. 

Let's take a look at Adheart's features. 

Search and filter parameters

The search and filter parameters are indispensable tools in all adspy tools. They optimize searches and make product searches faster and more efficient. 

Thanks to filters, you can optimize your searches to quickly find the products you want. For example, you can choose to see only ads that are typically e-commerce or ads that have been created or targeted exclusively for a certain country. As you can see, the role of search and filter parameters is to make product searches easier. 

Here's a table summarizing the filters and search parameters available on Adheart. 


This summary table of Adheart's filter and search options shows that the tool is very limited in terms of search and filter parameters. Despite its database of over a billion advertisements, it would be a bit complicated to find your winning product based solely on the filters offered by the tool.

The main search filters, such asthe filter by number of engagements on networks and the filter by target audience, are not available. In fact, product search will take longer than on a more advanced search tool like Minea. 

We therefore only recommend Adheart for beginners taking their first steps in the online sales business. If you already have experience in the market and need more filters to better optimize your search results, Adheart may not be the right tool for you. 

For example, you can opt for Minea, the most comprehensive product search tool on the market, with advanced filters and search parameters. Don't hesitate to test Minea free of charge to discover its many features. 

Ad volume

adheart ad volume

The second very important criterion on which winning product search tools are judged is ad volume. What does it represent?

The volume of ads is nothing other than the quantity of ads collected by the tool on social networks and other Internet sites during its spying. Given that millions of ads are posted on the Internet every day, it's important for a product search tool to be able to collect a large number of ads to increase its users' chances of finding winning products. 

The volume of ads collected is relatively related to the different channels spied on by the tool. Here's a table summarizing the different channels spied on by Adheart and the volume of ads the tool collects.  


From this chart, we can see that Adheart only spies on Facebook and Instagram. This is rather limited compared to Minea, which is also a product search tool, but spies on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and even Pinterest .
As a result, Minea's database is much more varied. For example, if you're interested in dropshipping on TikTok, the Adheart product search tool won't be of much use to you, as it doesn't collect ads on TikTok. As a result, you won't be able to see what works on TikTok and draw inspiration from it. 

However, if you want to rely solely on ads collected on Facebook and Instagram, you can use Adheart, as the tool has a huge database of over a billion ads.
On the other hand, it's also important to remember that ads collected by product search tools are only usable if they're supplied with enough data .

We'll talk about ad data in the next chapter. 

Ad data

adheart, Minea ad data

Users of product search tools can't rely solely on a product's visual effect when deciding whether to sell it online. Even if a product's visual effect is one of the main criteria for selecting winning products online, the product's performance metrics must always be taken into account. 

These performance metrics relate to ad engagement, ad evolution over time, online date and many other parameters that enable dropshippers or e-tailers to choose the best product. 

After several experiments with the tool, we noticed that Adheart doesn't provide any specific information for ads. We therefore came to the conclusion that Adheart is simply a library of creatives that dropshippers can use to come up with ad ideas. It's not a product search tool like Minea, because dropshippers rely on the information provided to choose their winning products. 

Other functions

Apart from Adheart's library of creatives, the tool offers another feature that can be very interesting. This is the application spy tool. 

Application spy tool

Application spy tool adheart, Minea

The application spy tool is not a tool frequently found on Adspy tools. Like the product search tools, the application spy tool collects information on the most frequently used applications of the moment. These may be applications that are trending, or applications that have been downloaded the most during a given period.
This is a feature found on Adheart. Thanks to the tool's filters, you can search for apps by name, platform type (Androis, iOS), time period and many other criteria. 

What's more, for each app, Adheart gives you relevant information on its performance, the types of promotions made for the app and the creative used.
However, this feature is not useful for dropshippers or e-merchants looking for products they can sell on their online stores.

Adheart Pricing : Pricing plan

As far as Adheart pricing is concerned, there's only one plan available. This plan costs $53 per month and gives you access to all the tool's features. 

adheart price plan

You'll be entitled to an unlimited number of creatives searches collected on Facebook, Instagram and Messenger. You can also download up to 2 billion creatives and have access to all the features of the app spy tool. 

The tool also has a free plan, but this is very limited in terms of how you can use it. 

Our opinion on Adheart

Through our experience with Adheart, we've come to the conclusion that it's not an adspy tool like other product search tools. 

Product search tools provide a maximum of information on ads collected on social networks. In reality, it's not just the ads that dropshippers or e-tailers are looking for; rather, they're mainly looking for the data that will enable them to confirm or deny a product's potential on the market .
In the case of Adheart, the tool provides very little information on the ads collected. As a result, the tool's users are unable to identify a product's performance or potential. 

Adheart, on the other hand, is much more of a creative search tool. This means that if you're looking for product creatives that work to inspire you, you can of course use Adheart, as it's a library of over a billion creatives.
In fact, you'll find creatives that will inspire you to create the visual for your product. However, you'll have to use another tool for your product search, as Adheart won't allow you to search for your winning product. 

To avoid having several tools to manage, we recommend Minea, which is a complete all-in-one product research tool that allows you to find winning products, analyze them and also come up with creative ideas. 

Here's a table summarizing the positive and negative points of the Adheart tool. 


Adheart: What to remember?

In this article, we talked about drosphipping product search tools. In particular, we talked about Adheart , an ad spying tool. Its fundamental role is to help you find creative ideas.
Its database of over a billion ads is a great asset for its users. 

However, if you use Adheart to find creative ideas, you'll need a specific product search tool to be able to find the product you're going to sell on your store, because Adheart doesn't provide enough data that you can use to choose the high-potential product you're going to sell on your store. 

In fact, we recommend the ultimate product search tool, Minea, which allows you not only to find winning products, but also to come up with creative ideas. 

Feel free to test Minea here to discover the tool's full potential. 

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