The best ways to find out if a supplier is truly dropshipping


In order to succeed in dropshipping, finding the best products is one of the many critical steps to take. In order to acquire them, you need to make sure that you are working with genuine suppliers. There are several things to consider when it comes to verifying that a given supplier is actually dropshipping.

How do I know if a supplier is dropshipping?

In order to be completely sure about dropshipping, it is essential to go through the following steps.

  • Consult the online directories

You can ensure that a supplier is dropshipping by using online directories. These often have a catalogue of dropshipping suppliers, organised by industry, market or niche. Many of these online directories have their own selection process to ensure the legitimacy of suppliers.

  • Searching on Google

A basic Google search is also a better way to ensure that a supplier offers a dropshipping service. Do a Google search, inserting the name of the dropshipping supplier. When using Google, do not judge the website. Indeed, suppliers are notorious for not having a properly designed website. Don't be fooled by an outdated website, as many legitimate suppliers have poor homepages.

  • Using references

Nothing is more reliable than getting information from people you know and trust. Ask your family and friends if they can tell you about a particular supplier for your dropshipping products. They may have networks that you probably don't know about. So involve them in the search. They will also be helpful in attesting to the character and legitimacy of the manufacturer or supplier. In addition, they will probably not recommend those who will only cause you headaches in the future.

The best ways to find good suppliers

Your suppliers will become your business partners who will either help you achieve your goals or put your business at risk. With this in mind, you need to be discerning and set standards for selecting the best suppliers. Some characteristics to look for in finding a good supplier are:

  • Expert and dedicated staff: The best suppliers have skilled and knowledgeable people. They must really know the products they sell and the industry they operate in. The staff will guide you through the process and help you solve problems as quickly as possible
  • Innovative and technology-savvy: A good supplier invests in technology to be more effective and efficient in the way it does business. Areas to consider include customer service, supply chain management, quality process, online catalogue
  • organized and efficient: a sign of a good supplier is error-free execution. They are competent in terms of delivery times and schedules, without compromising the quality of their products and services.

Concluding agreements and contracts with suppliers

Finding the best supplier for your dropshipping products involves establishing the relationship and process with your suppliers. To do this, you need to conclude the terms of the agreement. Otherwise, there will be loopholes in the future that will become a nuisance. You need to ask for a quotation, which is sometimes called an "RFQ" or "Request For Quotation". The RFQ will serve as an invitation to suppliers to bid on your dropshipping products. It should contain all the important aspects and parameters for doing business with the supplier. It can contain delivery times, minimum order and other conditions.

Negotiating minimums

Meeting the minimum order quantity can be a challenge. This is especially true for people who have a limited budget and are new to dropshipping a product. You want to test the market and so you want to start with the smallest quantity possible. However, it is common for suppliers to require a minimum order quantity for a particular product. However, it is not uncommon for them to be negotiable. Therefore, before committing yourself, negotiate with the minimum quantity that allows you to be flexible.

The search for the best supplier

You might be just starting your dropshipping business or you already have an online shop, trying a new dropshipping product. Locating the best supplier for your dropshipping product can be an overwhelming task. There are several ways to go about it, including searching in your local country, such as a French dropshipping supplier, or sourcing abroad. Keep in mind that there are advantages and disadvantages to whichever sourcing method you choose. Look for suppliers you can trust and negotiate with easily. This way you will have more time to spend marketing your dropshipping business. In addition, you will have less time to deal with dropshipping issues with your supplier.


Verification that a supplier is truly practising dropshipping is essential in order to avoid misdirection of your online shop. There are a number of methods you can use, but being assisted by professionals, such as Minea, has considerable advantages. It helps you succeed every time.

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