Dropshipping products: how to get beautiful photos?


Photos have a considerable influence on sales. So it is imperative to rely on beautiful photos for your dropshipping products. Unfortunately, some small and medium-sized e-commerce companies are wrong to take them lightly. Thanks to this guide, you will know how to have beautiful photos for your dropshipping products.

The use of appropriate photographic equipment

If you plan to take your own photos of Dropshipping products, you need the right equipment, including:

  • A camera, ideally a professional one
  • A tripod
  • Lighting
  • A white background, preferably a canvas

In addition, you also need to use other components, such as lenses and bands. When choosing your tripod, you should make sure that it fits your camera. Also, if you don't have a canvas, you can use any material, such as sheets or pictures. If you are not able to buy a professional camera, you can use your smartphone. If you have the ability to buy a camera, you should opt for a digital SLR. It helps you to get amazing images, with settings to get sharp pictures.

The camera setting on product photos

When you take pictures with your smartphone, the quality of the picture depends mainly on the quality of your device. Thanks to the constant upgrading of phones, you can access a wide range of qualities. It should be noted that the quality of photos from a device does not necessarily depend on its price. Some Android phones, which are generally cheaper, have very powerful cameras. However, you can make do with what you have. Following the purchase of your phone, it is essential that you download an interesting application for photos. However, make sure it has an option for products to get much cleaner shots. Very often, this is not the default setting of the app or device.

With a digital SLR camera, you need to adjust the white balance. This way, the Kelvin temperature of your setting will be identical to your lighting.

Optimal lighting

For professional photographers, this is the most essential element of a photo shoot. This also applies to taking photos of Dropshipping products, in particular. You can achieve top quality photos with the help of optimal lighting and a white canvas background. Follow the steps below if you want to set up good, but affordable lighting.

  • Invest in a lightweight backdrop or whiteboard, gluing it to a transparent box
  • Create artificial lights, equipped with mounts and 5000k bulbs. In general, you only need two, at the top, right and left. To avoid contrast, make sure they are of similar wattage
  • Balance the colours of your products, considering the contrast. Opt for a dark background if your product is white or very light in colour

The creation of abundant and precise photos

With this in mind, you should avoid misleading your consumers through photos. Therefore, taking many photos from different situations and angles is the best solution. However, this varies from one type of product to another. For example, a phone case needs to have several photos from different angles. In order to get several angles of the same product, you can move it into a staging environment. Another way is to remove your camera from the tripod so that you can move around. It is advisable to do both options in order to get the best choices when selecting.

When using a digital SLR camera, it is recommended to opt for the RAW format. This is because of the flexibility of this format throughout the editing process. In this case, you should use the right software to clean up your photos. Otherwise, you can contact a professional dropship for photo prints.

Maximum resolution for better cropping

This varies widely depending on the platform you are working with. In principle, most platforms, such as aliexpress, have their own requirements for the size of product photos. However, some people are unaware of this and take beautiful photos for uploading. When they are displayed, they realise that their photos have been degraded or extended.

To prevent these inconveniences in dropshipping, photos, as large as possible, allow you to resize them and edit them later. This prevents the loss of quality of your images when you reduce them. The general rule is a very large photo for reduction rather than too small to stretch. When cropping photos, take into account the dimensions required by your platform. Some platforms also offer their own themes as part of the resolution.


You should invest in beautiful photos of your Dropshipping products if you want to create a brand image. By following this technique, you will be able to make beautiful pictures to embellish your site and attract more attention. Minea can help you succeed even more if you need help.

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