Dropscale Vs Minea: Which is the best TikTok Adspy in 2024?


Are you looking for the best Tiktok Adspy tool between Minea and Dropscale? You've come to the right place.
TikTok is one of the biggest social networks for publishing short videos. This makes it the best social network for running ads for your e-commerce business. When you're running ads on this network, it's important to see how other competitors have done it so you can perfect your strategy.

To do this, you need the best TikTok ad spy tool that will help you monitor your competitors' advertising efforts. This way, you can gain a considerable advantage when building your advertising campaign on TikTok.
To help you make the right choice, in the rest of this guide we'll look at the best TikTok Adspy tool between Minea and Dropscale.

Here we go. 

Introducing both TikTok Adspy 


TikTok Adspy Minea

Minea is a comprehensive spy tool that collects ads on several social networks such as: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, etc. It helps you find and choose the best products for your dropshipping and e-commerce business. And that's not all, Minea can also help you hire influencers to promote your products and analyze your competitors' ads to identify the most effective ones and copy them. Here are some key figures on Minea:




Dropscale is also an ad spy tool that analyzes millions of ads on the Tiktok social network and finds new dropshipping products and videos every day. Thanks to its various search options, you can find the perfect product to import into your Shopify store. Here are some figures we've gathered from Dropscale:


Analysis of key features: Dropscale Vs Minea

Minea spies on social networks

As we mentioned in the summary table of figures on Minea, it spies on more than 4 main channels. Let's take a look at a few of them:


Facebook is the world's largest information-sharing social network, with millions of active subscribers every day. What's more, thousands of dropshipping and e-commerce ads are posted there every day. Minea collects these ads and stores them in its database. So if you're thinking of finding products that work in your niche on Facebook, Minea has you covered: 

  • A large library of ads,
  • + 1 million ads added every day.


TikTok, today's most popular short video-sharing social network, is also the target of many dropshippers and e-tailers. Minea also has a huge database of ads collected specifically on TikTok. Thanks to this data, you can find the ideal winning product to offer your audience on this social network.

  • A large library of ads,
  • + 1 million ads added every day.


It's the biggest social network for sharing visuals. Many people looking for inspiration go there to search for pins. If you're thinking of targeting this social network, Minea is the solution for you. It spies on the ads available on Pinterest and stores them in its database so you can find the perfect visual product to offer. 

Dropscale spies on social networks

Dropscale only spies on one social network (TikTok). This means you'll only have access to products that work on this social network. If you want to expand your strategy and sell on other social networks like Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest, it's best to opt for a comprehensive tool like Minea. 

Here's a table summarizing the different channels supported by the two spy tools. 


The table shows that Minea spies on more social networks than Dropscale. By choosing a tool like Minea, for example, you can discover the products that work for many of your competitors on several social networks. This will enable you to increase your sales.


Search options 

Search functionality refers to the tools implemented on an adspy to enable users to efficiently search for products based on a few parameters. These may be a keyword, page name, comment, domain name, ad text or other parameters.

In the following table, we compare the different search options available on the two product search tools. 


Examining the various"search options" selected above on the two spy tools, we see that only the keyword search option is available on Dropscale. By contrast, more than half the search options are available on Minea. We can therefore conclude that Minea offers more search functionality than Dropscale.

Let's take a look at the various filtering and sorting functions offered by the two tools. 

Filter and sort functions

Dropscale filtering and sorting functions

Filters are specific criteria that enable you to narrow down your search results according to particular characteristics. For example, on an ad spy, filters might include number of shares, country, gender, etc. You can select these filters to refine your search and find products that match their precise needs. As for sorting functions, they enable you to reorganize results according to different criteria.

Minea search filters 

Here's a comparative table of the filters and sorters that are essential for dropshipping and e-commerce.


Of the various filter and sort options selected in this table, only 9 are available on Dropscale. However, when we search for the same filtering and sorting options on Minea, we find that 16 of them are available. 

It's fair to say that Minea offers more filtering and sorting functionality than Dropscale. However, the fact that Dropscale doesn't offer many filters and sorts doesn't mean that the tool is inefficient. As we've already mentioned, filters and sorts are specific criteria put in place to facilitate your search and help you find a winning product quickly, so the more of them you have, the faster you'll find a winning product.

Advertising information

Information about Dropscale ads

Ad information collected by adspy tools on social networks refers to data and details gathered on how users interact with ads. This information may include various data enabling product effectiveness to be measured.

In the comparison table below, we've grouped together some of the relevant information dropshippers and e-tailers need to evaluate the performance of their products. This information will then help us identify which of the spy tools offers the most information on the ads collected.


From this comparison, which focuses on the "ad information" important to dropshippers and e-tailers, we can deduce that Minea provides more information on the ads collected than Dropscale .

This can be a crucial advantage, as information about an ad enables a more in-depth assessment of its potential. This makes it possible to determine whether the product is worth testing or not. With the right information, considerable savings can be made by avoiding testing products whose commercial potential is not clearly demonstrated.

Advertising volume

Minea advertising volume

Ad volume refers to the total amount of ads or advertisements collected by an ad spy tool. It can also refer to the number of ads available on the product search platform, particularly for a given product.

Furthermore, the effectiveness of a product search tool is generally linked to the quantity of ads it is able to collect from various platforms and social networks. If a product search tool only manages to collect a limited number of ads, its ad library will be restricted. As a result, users of this tool may find it difficult to identify winning products.

To determine which of the two tools offers the greatest advertising volume, we'll use the filters below to perform this in-depth evaluation.

  • Ad date: last 30 days
  • Social engagement: +15000 likes
  • E-commerce platform: Shopify and WooCommerce
  • Language: English
  • Ad format: video
  • CTA : e-commerce

By applying these filters on Minea, we get 78 ads as results. This means that over the last 30 days, Minea has been able to collect 78 ads that meet the criteria we've listed above. Note that this search was only carried out on Minea's TikTok ad spy tool. With Dropscale, not all these filtering options are available. In this case, even if it manages to collect a large number of ads, you'll have to carry out a lot of additional research to confirm the ad's usefulness.


Finally, on the basis of this table and our first test, it's clear that the Minea product search tool's database is very rich and relevant for dropshippers and e-tailers.

Other useful features: Dropscale Vs Minea

In addition to the product search functions mentioned above, Minea and Dropscale also have other important features.
The first one we noticed on both spy tools is the one that lets you import the chosen product directly into your Shopify store.
Thanks to this feature, you can save time, for example, by importing your products automatically. Both tools go one step further by offering artificial intelligence that lets you write a description, add a name, tags, etc. for your product. 

Minea doesn't limit itself to these two functions; it also offers another feature that enables you to find a reliable supplier on Aliexpress. Instead of carrying out a manual search on the site, simply click on the"find AliExpress suppliers" option, select the image corresponding to the product and the tool will suggest a list of suppliers.
You can then sort suppliers according to their rating, product price and many other criteria. Dropscale also has a supplier search function, but this is not as well developed as Minea's.

During our analysis of the tool, we noticed a rather interesting feature on Dropscale. This is its order management functionality. This feature is not present on Minea.
Since you can directly connect your Shopify store to Dropscale, you can also synchronize your orders so that all the orders you receive on your store end up in Dropscale. Then all you have to do is send them to your supplier. 

Orders Dropscale

The advantage of this feature is that you'll be able to centralize your information in one place, and also speed up your order processing process, much like the Dsers application.


In dropshipping or e-commerce, if you want to succeed, you also need to be able to spy on your competitors' stores. In the next section, we'll look at this feature in both tools.

Store spying

Minea's store analysis tool opens the door to endless exploration in the world of business strategy. With its advanced features, it lets you survey your competitors and discover the tactics that are making a splash on the market. Featuring powerful filters, this tool lets you customize your searches according to criteria you define yourself.

Imagine being able to dissect your rivals' moves, understand their tricks and spot the flaws in their game. That's exactly what Minea offers. Not only can you detect your competitors' product placements, you can also analyze over 1 million stores.

Dropscale, on the other hand, does not offer a function for spying on competing stores. But that shouldn't stop you from finding winning products with this tool.

Minea's additional features

In addition to the functions listed above, Minea has other very important features that you won't find on other adspy tools. Let's take a look at a few of them: 

Influence marketing 

This exclusive Minea feature is a real innovation. In other words, it's a feature you won't find on other ad spy tools. Indeed, influencer marketing is a particularly powerful strategy in the marketing landscape, which involves using the expertise and notoriety of influencers to promote products or services.

By working with experts and celebrities in specific fields, you'll be able to reach a wide audience and rapidly increase your sales. Thanks to this Minea feature, you'll have access to an impressive database of over a million influencers in several niches.

It also enables you to quickly and efficiently find relevant influencer partners for your brand. By leveraging this resource, you can maximize your visibility and impact in the marketplace by benefiting from credibility and influence in your field of activity.


Products" tab 

Products" tab Minea

In dropshipping or e-commerce, the sooner you detect a product before your competitors do, the more sales you'll make. The ads collected by Minea in the Starter and Premium plans are ads that are already working and to which many dropshippers or e-tailers like you have access. 

You'll certainly make sales with these products, but the special thing about this function is that you get access to the product before anyone else. This function tracks products and adds them to its database when it believes the product has a better chance of success. This is a great advantage for your business, as you won't have to test a product, but will launch sales automatically. 

Success radar

 Success radar Minea

This feature is very useful for dropshippers and e-tailers who want to dispense with the product search process and get straight to the point. With this Minea feature, you'll have direct access to a list of the 100 lesser-known winning products that are gaining momentum on social networks. What's more, for each product you'll have access to detailed information, the stores already selling it and the target markets.

Magic Search

Among adspy tools, Minea stands out for its many surprising features. Its brand-new "Magic search" is impressive. It lets you take the temperature of the market in relation to a specific product. 

Following a product search, you can find out who your direct competitors are who are already selling the same product on the market. With Minea's Magic Search tool, this task is just a click away.

Simply search for the name of the product you want to spy on, and the tool automatically provides you with all the ads currently running on the various social networks for that product.

Dropscale Vs Minea: prices

In this section, we'll compare the price of Dropscale with that of Minea, to help you make the best choice for your budget.

Dropscale pricing

  • Starter: This plan costs $0 per month, and offers limited functionality. 
  • Pro: For $79 a month, you can access Dropscale's Pro package. For example, you can benefit from Premium courses, Premium support and an AI Theme Builder.
  • Growth: This plan costs $139 per month and offers more features than the Pro plan. 
  • Scale: This plan costs $299 per month and is much more suited to businesses that need more features to manage their business.

Minea pricing

Minea is a more comprehensive platform covering several networks, and has a more varied pricing structure:

  • The free package: With this package, you can test Minea's functionality. But if you want more features, you'll need to upgrade.
  • Starter Plan: At $49/month, users have access to basic spying on all supported platforms, with limits on the number of ads they can view per day.
  • Premium Plan: For $99/month, it offers advanced filters, enhanced spying capability and analytical tools to help find winning products. This is the most comprehensive plan, offering unlimited access, detailed analysis and priority customer support.
  • Business Plan

Priced at $399/month, this plan is a dropshipper's dream. It brings together all the exceptional and revolutionary features that will take your dropshipping business to the next level, thanks to artificial intelligence.

Price comparison


Our opinion on Dropscale 


Although Dropscale is such a powerful spy tool, it has many negative points. When we compare it to Minea, we see that it is limited in terms of functionality. If you're looking for a complete solution for your dropshipping or e-commerce business, it's best to opt for a tool like Minea. 

Why choose Minea?

Having examined the two spy tools, we can see that Minea is without doubt the more powerful tool, offering the functionality you need to grow your business. It offers features such as influencer marketing, product import, product search, etc., all of which are must-have features in dropshipping and e-commerce. 

What's more, Minea provides a wealth of information on every ad it collects, so you can make the right product choice and avoid unsuccessful tests. Compared with Dropscale, Minea offers much more affordable prices to suit all levels, from beginner to experienced user.

Summary table Minea Vs Dropscale



Finally, we've come to the end of the comparison between Minea and Dropscale. With the above, we can say that Minea is a powerful rival and even more affordable compared to Dropscale's expensive price plan. What's more, its extensive range of features makes it the ideal choice for marketing professionals looking for a complete and effective solution.

On the other hand, Dropscale provides you with all the resources you need for a successful TikTok advertising campaign. Now you can quickly and easily choose between Dropscale and Minea.


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