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The top 10 AliExpress niches and products for your dropshipping business


Many people are considering starting a dropshipping business and are wondering which niche to target for their ecommerce store. If you're one of them, you need to think about which market you're going to target before setting up your dropshipping site. Similarly, you need to carefully select your products. These steps are capital because they will have a direct impact on the success or failure of your business. Follow this guide to discover all the keys you need to better understand the best aliexpress dropshipping products for your dropshipping business.

How does dropshipping on aliexpress platform work?

Dropshipping on AliExpress allows e-commerce entrepreneurs to create aliexpress dropshipping store without storing or fast shipping products. Here are the key steps to help you understand how this sector works.


Select your product

Ecommerce entrepreneurs carry out a thorough search on AliExpress. Their aim is to find products that meet the needs and interests of their target market. They use research tools and analysis to identify popular and profitable products. They also evaluate criteria such as product quality, delivery times and supplier reputation.

Creating an online store

Creating an online store

Once the products have been selected, entrepreneurs use ecommerce business platforms to create their online store. The most popular include tools such as Shopify, WooCommerce or Magento. They customise their ecommerce store's appearance and add attractive product descriptions. They also configure payment and fast shippingoptions.

Marketing and promotion

To attract traffic to their online store, entrepreneurs use a combination of marketing strategies. This can include SEO to improve their aliexpress dropshipping store's search engine rankings and advertising on social networks to target specific audiences. They also employ influencer marketing to collaborate with relevant influencers, and other digital marketing tactics.

Order processing

When a customer places an order on the ecommerce store, the entrepreneur forwards the order to the Supplier and Pricing Specifics on AliExpress. The supplier is then responsible for shipping the product directly to the customer, usually without adding any additional branding or logos. Contractors must ensure that delivery information is correctly transmitted to the supplier to avoid errors.

Customer service

Although the supplier is responsible for shipping the products, the contractor is responsible for providing good customer service. This includes communicating with customers to answer their questions and concerns and tracking orders to ensure they are delivered on time. Customer service involves managing returns and refunds in the event of a problem. It is also responsible for resolving customer issues in a professional and efficient manner.

What are the criteria for choosing the right AliExpress dropshipping products to sell?

Choosing the right products to sell on AliExpress is no easy task. To select the right products for your dropshipping business, each criterion requires careful analysis:

Market demand

Researching market demand involves exploring current and emerging trending products. This means understanding what consumers are looking for, what products are hot and what needs are currently unmet. Use keyword research tools and analyse sales data. Also monitor consumer behaviour to identify products that have the potential to sell successfully.

Profit margin

Calculating the profit margin requires a careful analysis of the costs involved in running your business. This includes production costs, advertising costs, shipping costs, overheads and other associated expenses. You need to determine the profit margin required for each product. This ensures that your revenues exceed your costs, allowing you to make a profit.

Supplier reliability

Choosing a reliable supplier is useful to guarantee the quality of the products you sell and ensure a positive experience for your customers. Research reputable suppliers thoroughly. This includes analysing their ratings, feedback and trading history. Opt for reputable, well-established suppliers to minimise the risks associated with product quality and shipping delays.

Shipping costs

Shipping costs can have a significant impact on your company's profitability. Compare the shipping costs offered by different suppliers and explore free or low-cost shipping options. Make sure you choose affordable shipping options for your customers. In the process, you need to ensure that you maintain a sufficient profit margin.<br>

Product quality

The quality of the products you sell is mandatory to building customer loyalty and maintaining a good business reputation. Order product samples from potential suppliers to assess their quality, durability and functionality. Make sure the products meet the quality standards you want to offer your customers.


Trends and seasonality

Following market trends and understanding seasonal fluctuations can help you choose products that remain relevant throughout the year. Avoid focusing solely on seasonal products. Also, look for products that are of consistent interest to consumers, whatever the time of year.


Analyse the competition to identify products and niches that are already saturated in the market, as well as market segments that are less exploited. Look for opportunities to stand out from the crowd. This means offering distinctive products or targeting specific market segments where there is less competition.

Long-term profitability

When choosing products to sell, think about their potential for long-term profitability. Avoid being seduced by short-term trends that could quickly fade away. Look for products that are in constant demand and that can generate income sustainably over time.

Compatibility with your brand

Make sure that the products you choose to sell are consistent with your brand's image and values. Select products that match your brand identity and appeal to your target audience. Make sure the products reinforce your company's image and help build customer loyalty.

Availability of supplies

Choosing products for which you can obtain a regular and reliable supply from your suppliers is capital. Make sure that the products you plan to sell are available in sufficient quantities to meet your customers' demand. Avoid storage problems and stock-outs. This means working with suppliers who can maintain a constant supply.

By applying these criteria, you can select AliExpress products suitable for your dropshipping store, increasing your chances of long-term success and profitability.

What is the process for selecting a reliable supplier?

Having a quality supplier is crucial to the success of an online business. Here are some mandatory criteria for choosing an AliExpress supplier capable of providing quality services:

Reputation and references

A supplier's reputation is capital. Look for online reviews, customer testimonials and ask for direct references. A good reputation often indicates reliable service and quality products. Contact the references provided for specific information about their experience with the supplier. This includes delivery reliability, product quality and customer service.

Product quality

Make sure that the products offered by the supplier meet your quality standards. Ask for samples to assess quality, durability and compliance with the required specifications. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the materials used, the workmanship and the finish of the products.

Production capacity and stock management

Assess the supplier's ability to meet your requirements in terms of volume and lead times. Make sure they have the resources to maintain adequate stock levels and avoid stock-outs. Ask questions about their stock management processes and their flexibility to adapt to your fluctuating demands.

Customer service

Good customer service is useful for resolving problems quickly and answering questions. Interact with the supplier's customer service team to assess their responsiveness, professionalism and ability to deal effectively with customer concerns. Make sure they offer customer support in several languages, if necessary.

Delivery times and logistics

Delivery times are vital to customer satisfaction. Discuss order processing times, available shipping options and estimated delivery times with the supplier. Make sure their logistics processes are efficient and reliable to ensure on-time deliveries.

Financial stability and regulatory compliance

Make sure the supplier is financially stable and compliant with local and international regulations. Check their financial situation by requesting financial reports or consulting commercial databases. Also make sure that they comply with the compliance and safety standards applicable to their sector of activity. A financially stable company is more likely to maintain reliable, long-term operations. You can use the powerful dropshipping tools of MINEA.


How do you build relationships with suppliers?

Establishing relationships with suppliers

Establishing a close relationship with your AliExpress supplier is essential for long-term collaboration. Here are a few tips to help you build a trusting relationship with your AliExpress supplier:

Transparent communication

Open and transparent communication is the key to building strong relationships with aliexpress supplier. Make sure you clearly explain your needs, expectations and business objectives at the outset of the relationship. This ensures that both parties are on the same wavelength and can work together effectively. In addition, encourage aliexpress suppliers to share their concerns and ideas. Two-way communication builds trust and fosters fruitful collaboration.

Transparent communication with suppliers

Mutual respect

Mutual respect is useful to maintaining healthy working relationships with your aliexpress suppliers. Recognising their expertise and their contribution to your supply chain is useful. Treat them with courtesy and respect their deadlines and requirements. Show them that you value their work and see them as valuable partners in your business success.

Pay on time

Nothing damages a relationship with a aliexpress supplier like repeated late payments. Always respect the agreed payment terms and make your payments on time. This demonstrates your reliability as a business partner and reinforces your aliexpress supplier's confidence in your company. If unforeseen circumstances prevent you from meeting payment deadlines, communicate openly with the aliexpress supplier. Together you can find alternative solutions.

Building long-term relationships

Seek to establish long-term relationships with your aliexpress suppliers. Investing in long-term relationships can bring many benefits. This can include preferential pricing, better service and close co-operation on future projects. Consider meeting face-to-face with your suppliers on a regular basis to strengthen ties and discuss opportunities for collaboration.

Sharing Information

Share relevant information with your suppliers to help them better meet your needs. This can include demand forecasts, changes in your product specifications, updates on market trends, etc. The more your suppliers understand your needs, the more they can adapt their processes to provide you with a better service.

Constructive feedback

Provide constructive feedback to your suppliers on their products, services and performance. If you encounter problems, tackle them proactively and professionally. Suggest solutions and work with the supplier to resolve problems effectively. Similarly, be sure to recognise and congratulate suppliers on a job well done. Positive feedback strengthens relationships and encourages continued performance.

Collaboration on innovation

Encourage collaboration with your suppliers on innovation initiatives. They may have unique ideas and perspectives that can help you improve your products or processes. Involve them in the process of developing new products, reducing costs or improving quality. Close collaboration on innovation strengthens the bonds between business partners and stimulates long-term growth.

Conflict management

Finally, when conflicts or problems arise, deal with them proactively and respectfully. Avoid confrontation and seek mutually acceptable solutions. Resolving conflicts quickly and effectively builds trust and maintains solid, long-term relationships. Bear in mind that managing conflict constructively can strengthen rather than damage the relationship with your supplier.


What are the steps to start your AliExpress dropshipping business with DSers?

steps to start an AliExpress dropshipping business with DSers

To set up an AliExpress dropshipping business with DSers, you need to follow several recommendations. Here are the key steps:

Register and install DSers

Go to the DSers website and create an account by providing the required information. Once registered, download and install the DSers app on your ecommerce platform. This can be either on Shopify, WooCommerce or another compatible platform. Follow the installation instructions provided by DSers to integrate the application into your online stores.

Select your product

Explore the extensive AliExpress catalog via DSers to find shipped directly products that match your market niche and selection criteria. Use the search filters of MINEA to refine your results by category, price, seller rating, etc. Concentrate on popular products with high sales potential and an attractive profit margin.

Import aliexpress products into your ecommerce stores

Once you've found products to sell, import them into your online stores via DSers. This step is simple thanks to DSers' integration with your ecommerce business platform. You can customise product titles, descriptions and images before importing them. This makes them more attractive to your customers.

Configure pricing and delivery parameters

Determine your profit margins and configure the selling prices of your products in DSers. You can set competitive prices while maintaining a satisfactory profit margin. You can also configure shipping options and shipping costs for each product. This is based on your customers' delivery preferences. However, you must ensure that you maintain a positive customer experience.

Manage your orders

Monitor the orders arriving in your ecommerce stores and manage them efficiently via DSers. The platform simplifies the ordering process by allowing you to process orders in bulk. It also allows you to send them directly to your suppliers on AliExpress with just one click. You can also monitor order status and tracking information directly from the DSers interface.

Shipment tracking

Make sure you track the shipment of your orders via DSers to ensure they are delivered to your customers on time. DSers provides real-time tracking information so you can follow each order through to delivery. This allows you to provide your customers with accurate updates on the status of their order.

Customer service and returns management

Provide quality customer service by responding quickly to your customers' questions and concerns. In the event of returns or problems with orders, communicate with suppliers via DSers. This way, you can resolve problems efficiently and professionally. Make sure you maintain open and transparent communication with your customers throughout the process to ensure their satisfaction.

Continuous optimization

Monitor ecommerce stores's performance and analyse the data to identify trends and opportunities for improvement. Test new products, adjust prices and improve processes based on feedback. Continuous optimisation is capital to maximise your revenue and operational efficiency when dropshipping with DSers.


What are the best aliexpress dropshipping products?

 The best AliExpress dropshipping niches for 2024are diverse. These may vary according to market trends and consumer interests. Here are a few examples of popular niches and the products they offer.

Beauty products niche

Aliexpress beauty niche

The beauty products niche, particularly in dropshipping, is a fast-growing sector.

Niche description and statistics

This niche is characterised by increased demand for innovative and environmentally-friendly products. In 2024, this trend is supported by impressive statistics. The global market for natural and organic cosmetics is estimated to be worth around $22 billion. This represents a doubling in value in just eight years.

In France, the cosmetics sector generates an impressive €45 billion in sales, representing almost 2% of the country's GDP. After overcoming the challenges posed by the health crisis, the market has bounced back with a 14% increase in 2021. This demonstrates a remarkable resilience and capacity to adapt. These figures underline the importance of the French market in the global cosmetics industry and its potential for dropshipping entrepreneurs.

However, dropshipping operators need to keep a close eye on the consumer trends and technological innovations that are shaping the sector. The digitalisation and personalisation of online shopping experiences are key factors influencing consumer purchasing decisions. Incorporating these elements into their business strategy can enable dropshippers to meet today's needs. They can also anticipate future demands. This can ensure the longevity and success of their business in an ever-changing market.

Best selling items in cosmetics

  • Organic face masks
  • Vegan make-up kits
  • Pure essential oils
  • Facial massage appliances
  • Customisable eyeshadow palettes

Wearable technology niche

Aliexpress portable gadgets niche

Wearable gadgets have become useful accessories for a connected lifestyle. This niche includes devices that combine technology and portability, often related to health and fitness.

Niche description and statistics

The wearable technology niche is a fast-growing sector, particularly suited to the dropshipping model. In 2024, these gadgets will become capital accessories for a connected lifestyle. They are often linked to health and fitness, reflecting the growing interest in personal well-being.

The dropshipping market is experiencing significant growth, with a growing preference for online shopping and easier access to international products. It is estimated that billions of people will shop online. This represents a significant opportunity for dropshippers in the wearable technology niche.

For dropshipping entrepreneurs, this niche offers a chance to capitalise on current trends in health and technology. With wearables, they can offer innovative solutions that encourage a healthy and active lifestyle. They also benefit from the robust growth of e-commerce. Putting the right strategy and targeted product selection in place can create a successful business in this area.

Best dropshipping products

  • Smart watches with fitness tracking
  • Activity tracking wristband
  • Wireless headphones
  • Augmented reality glasses
  • Sleep sensors


Homewares niche

The smart home niche is a growing trend in dropshipping. More and more consumers are looking for ways to make their homes more comfortable and energy-efficient.

Niche description and statistics

Aliexpress household goods niche

In 2024, home automation has taken centre stage in the home. This makes daily tasks easier and improves quality of life. These technologies for home maintenance offer not only greater comfort, but also better energy management. This makes them a particularly attractive option for consumers concerned about their ecological footprint.

For dropshipping entrepreneurs, this niche represents an exceptional opportunity. Demand for smart home products is growing rapidly. We're talking about a niche with an estimated multi-billion dollar market and a significant compound annual growth rate. This indicates growing interest and sales. The main reason is the growing preference for online shopping and the ease of access to innovative products from all over the world.

With smart home products, dropshippers can exploit this trend. They will be able to offer solutions that meet consumers' current needs. With a well thought-out strategy and the right product selection, they can position themselves advantageously in a rapidly expanding market. They will be able to respond to the demand for a more intelligent and connected lifestyle.

Best dropshipping products

  • Smart LED light bulbs
  • Connected thermostats
  • Wi-Fi security cameras
  • Smart electrical sockets
  • Smart smoke detectors

Best selling product in fitness niche

The fitness accessories niche is growing in popularity, driven by increased awareness of the importance of health and wellbeing.

Best selling product in fitness niche

Niche description and statistics

In 2024, this trend can be seen in the strong demand for products that help users track their progress and stay motivated in their fitness journey. Fitness accessories have become essential tools for a large number of people looking to improve their physical fitness. These products allow you to monitor your sporting performance. They also help to maintain a regular exercise routine, which is capital for good health.

The fitness equipment market is booming, with growth expected in the coming years. This growth is being driven by an increase in the number of fitness centres and health clubs. Motivation is also coming from government initiatives. These aim to promote health and reduce the rates of illness linked to a sedentary lifestyle.

For dropshipping entrepreneurs, fitness accessories represent a lucrative aliexpress products. All they have to do is offer a targeted selection of these products to meet the growing demand. In doing so, they benefit from the convenience and flexibility of the dropshipping model. With an effective marketing strategy and an understanding of consumer needs, dropshippers can capitalise on this trend.

Best dropshipping products

  • Adjustable resistance bands
  • Eco-friendly yoga mats
  • Heart rate tracking watches
  • Smart water bottles
  • Jump ropes with counters

Decoration and interior design niche

Interior decoration and design are constantly changing, and consumers are constantly looking for ways to personalise their living spaces.

Niche description and statistics

In 2024, this niche is characterised by a diversity of products that embody the styles and design preferences of the moment. Current interior design trends feature bright colours and bold patterns. These options offer a return to a certain cheerful maximalism. Consumers are turning to elements that add a touch of character and personality to their interiors. Saturated colours and flamboyant patterns combine to create spaces that are both comfortable and expressive.

Decorative objects are no longer merely functional, but become veritable works of art, sculpting their place in the décor. Materials such as chrome and metallic finishes add a touch of modernity and futurism to interiors. At the same time, the art of reinterpreting the classics with modernity is manifesting itself in a resurgence of vintage style. This includes influences from the 70s, with their warm colour palettes.

The interior design industry in 2024 is therefore an eclectic mix of novelty and nostalgia. In this sector, consumers can find endless ways to reflect their identity through their home environment. It's an exciting time for designers and decorating enthusiasts. They can experiment with unprecedented combinations of colours, textures and shapes to generate substantial revenue.

Best products

  • Designer lighting and lamps
  • Decorative cushions with modern patterns
  • Floating wall shelves
  • Essential oil diffusers
  • Digital photo frames

These niches are among the most promising for dropshipping in 2024. They offer a variety of products to meet the needs and desires of modern consumers.


How do I filter AliExpress dropshipping products ideas?

Minea search results

To filter dropshipping product ideas on AliExpress, you can use Minea, a powerful ad spy tooldesigned specifically for dropshippers. Minea allows you to explore thousands of AliExpress products and filter results based on specific criteria such as product category, number of orders, customer reviews and ePacket availability. With Minea, you can easily identify the most popular and profitable products, while eliminating those that don't meet your selection criteria. You can also use Minea's advanced search features to discover emerging trends and lucrative aliexpress products.

Can you dropship products from AliExpress to Amazon? 

It is possible to dropship aliexpress products to Amazon, but this can present challenges and risks. Firstly, Amazon has strict dropshipping policies and specifically prohibits direct shipping of products from AliExpress to Amazon customers. In addition, Amazon generally requires third-party sellers to have full control over the supply chain and to be able to provide information about the origin of products.

However, some dropshippers use methods such as storing products in third-party warehouses before shipping them to Amazon to comply with the platform's policies. This involves additional costs and more complex logistics, but can be an option for those wishing to sell AliExpress products on Amazon.

Aliexpress dropshipping FAQ

What are the advantages of dropshipping with AliExpress?

Dropshipping with AliExpress offers a range of significant benefits for online entrepreneurs. Firstly, the platform offers a wide selection of products from suppliers all over the world. In addition, the competitive prices available on AliExpress allow dropshippers to benefit from attractive profit margins while remaining competitive on the market. In addition, the dropshipping model eliminates the need to stock and manage inventory. What's more, AliExpress simplifies the order processing process by offering integrated tools for tracking shipments and communicating with suppliers.

How do I choose reliable suppliers on AliExpress for dropshipping?

To choose reliable suppliers on AliExpress for dropshipping, you need to take several factors into account. Carefully examine the supplier's sales history and the reviews left by previous customers. A supplier with a solid sales history and positive reviews is generally more reliable. Next, check the supplier's order processing time. Responsive and efficient suppliers can help you ensure faster delivery times for your customers. Also make sure the supplier offers reliable and affordable delivery options, such as ePacket.

What are the challenges of dropshipping with AliExpress?

Dropshipping with AliExpress presents some challenges, including longer delivery times, potential product quality issues and the risk of stock-outs. Because products are sourced internationally, delivery times can be longer, which can affect customer satisfaction. Product quality can vary, requiring careful management of suppliers. Finally, strong competition for popular products can make differentiation and profitability difficult. Despite these challenges, strategic planning can help mitigate these problems.

How can I effectively promote AliExpress dropshipping products?

To effectively promote AliExpress dropshipping products, use a combination of marketing strategies such as social media, influencer marketing, SEO and paid advertising. Create compelling and engaging content for social media, work with relevant influencers to reach your target audience, optimise your website for SEO to attract organic traffic, and use targeted ads on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to generate direct sales.

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