How to create a dropshipping website with WordPress?


The advent of online commerce has opened up new opportunities for entrepreneurs. Among these opportunities, dropshipping stands out as an attractive business model. This revolutionary concept enables entrepreneurs to sell products without having to store them physically. Such a method has the advantage of reducing storage and inventory management costs, as well as the possibility of offering a variety of products without massive initial investment. In this practical guide, we'll explore in detail how to create a dropshipping site with WordPress and the different strategies for success in this field. Let's get down to business.

Steps to creating a dropshipping site with WordPress

If you're thinking of creating a low-cost dropshipping business using WordPress, here are a few simple steps to get you started:

Choosing a domain name

The domain name is the web address of your dropshipping site. So choose a name that's easy to remember, easy to spell and reflects your dropshipping business. Once you've identified a name that matches your niche, you can use tools such as GoDaddy, Namecheap or Bluehost to check the domain name's availability. If the name is available, you can purchase it and move on to the next stage of your site's creation.

Find web hosting

Web hosting is the space where your site will be stored and accessed online. Usually, the site from which you purchased your domain name can help you host your site. However, you can look for other reliable and affordable hosting providers if you're not interested in the latter. The most common options are Bluehost and HostGator. Finally, make sure the hosting provider offers sufficient bandwidth and good technical support.

Setting up your hosting account

Once you've chosen a hosting provider, sign up and select the hosting plan you'd like. Then set up your account. You'll receive login details and instructions on how to access your hosting account.

Install WordPress

Most hosting providers offer one-click installations for WordPress. To do this, log in to your hosting account, access the dashboard and look for the WordPress installation option. Here are some instructions for installing WordPress on your domain:

  • Create a database: in your hosting account, create a new MySQL database. Make a note of the database details (database name, username and password), as you'll need them later.
  • WordPress setup: access your website via a web browser. You should see the WordPress installation wizard. Select your language and click "Continue".
  • Connect WordPress to your database: you'll need to provide the information for the database you created earlier. Enter the database name, username and password, and the database host. Click on"Send".
  • Finalize installation: follow the instructions to complete the installation. You'll need to enter website details such as the title, username and password for the administrator account, and your e-mail address. Click on"Install WordPress".
  • Logging in to your dashboard: once installation is complete, you can log in to your WordPress dashboard by accessing your domain followed by "/wp-admin" (for example, Use the username and password you defined during installation to log in.

Choosing the right WordPress theme for your niche 

Once you've installed WordPress, you need to choose the right theme for your dropshipping business. For more conversion, choose a responsive, customizable and WooCommerce-compatible theme like Flatsome, Divi or Storefront.

Configure WooCommerce

WooCommerce is the best e-commerce integration tool for the WordPress platform. In fact, WooCommerce dropshipping extensions allow you to extend your store's capabilities by adding new features and integrations. These extensions range from email marketing tools to payment gateways like PayPal and more.

Here are a few steps to install WooCommerce :

  • Go to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Click on"Extensions" then"Add new".
  • Search for"WooCommerce".
  • Click on"Install now", then on"Activate".

General parameters

After activating the plugin, go to WooCommerce > Settings. Browse the various sections to customize general settings, such as sales zones, taxes, customer accounts, store pages, shopping cart pages, payment pages, etc.

Key features

  • Tons of dropshipping extensions
  • A wide range of professional themes
  • Easily design a store and layout
  • Flexible, secure payment

Import products

Use extensions like WooCommerce Dropshipping to import products from your suppliers into your online store. Be sure to organize your products into logical categories and add detailed descriptions and attractive images.

Configure essential pages and customize your site

Create important pages such as the home page, product page,About page, contact page, privacy policy and terms and conditions. Make sure these pages provide clear and useful information to your site visitors.

Then personalize your site by adding your logo and choosing colors and fonts that reflect your brand. Add extra functionality with WordPress plugins.

Test and launch your site

Before officially launching your site, be sure to test it for any functional or ergonomic problems. Review all ordering and payment processes to make sure they're working properly. Once everything is ready, launch your dropshipping site and start promoting your products.

The best WordPress plugins for dropshipping 

In this section, we'll introduce you to two WordPress plugins that can help you grow your dropshipping business with WooCommerce:

WooCommerce Customer Reviews

This plugin makes it much easier to collect and manage customer reviews on our store. By allowing customers to add ratings, images and votes, WooCommerce Customer Reviews facilitates more detailed reviews. All this information serves as social proof, reinforcing the credibility of your dropshipping site and increasing customer confidence.
What's more, WooCommerce also lets you import and export reviews. This feature comes in handy when you want to use product reviews on your supplier's website in your store. 

What's more, this plugin features Google Shopping integration. When customers search for products on Google, they see ratings and reviews from the store's customers, which can help influence their purchasing decisions.

Key features

  • Automated reminder e-mails
  • Quick and easy review
  • Enhanced reviews, including ratings, images and votes 
  • Integration with Google Shopping
  • Import and export examinations

Yoast SEO

When you're using content marketing to develop your dropshipping business, Yoast SEO is a must-have plugin. It helps you optimize your content and readability to meet the highest technical SEO standards. 

As a powerful content analysis tool, Yoast SEO helps you analyze your content for SEO-optimized keywords and readability. This analysis enables you to optimize your website content for maximum online visibility.

In addition, you can use Yoast SEO to analyze the title and meta-description of your content. These details provide valuable information on optimizing your title and meta-description for search engine results.

Key features

  • Free referencing tool
  • Powerful content analysis
  • Title and meta-description optimization
  • Social media integration

How do I choose which products to sell dropshipping with WordPress?

Here are a few steps to follow when choosing products to sell in your dropshipping store:

Find a profitable niche 

First, make a list of your interests, hobbies and skills. Choose a niche that you're passionate about and that you understand well. This will help you better target your market and communicate with your customers.

Next, you can use tools such as Google Trends, Amazon search statistics or Google AdWords data to identify emerging trends in different niches. Also look for products with growing demand, but relatively little competition. To do this, you can search Aliexpress. Here are some other important things to consider when researching niches:

  • Assessing profitability: once you've identified a few potential niches, assess their profitability by looking at potential profit margins, expected sales volume and market competitiveness.
  • Competitor study: analyze the competition in your niche by examining competitors' websites, product offerings, marketing strategies, and customer reviews. Identify gaps in their offering that you can fill with your own store.

Search for quality, reliable products

As you already know, the success of your dropshipping business depends largely on the products you offer. If you offer products that don't solve a problem or attract the customer's attention, you certainly won't make a sale.  

Minea's product fin der is one of the best tools to help you overcome this problem. It features filtering, sorting and search functions that enable you to find a winning product in just a few clicks.

And that's not all, it's also one of the spy tools that spies on more social networks of interest to dropshipping. You can access social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest and more. As these social networks are trending, they're the ideal option for getting your hands on products that are selling very well. 

For each product found, the tool provides detailed information to help you make the ideal choice. Minea offers a host of other tools and features that you can try out with a less expensive subscription.

Optimizing your WordPress dropshipping site for SEO

Here are some strategies to optimize your dropshipping site and increase your sales:

Use relevant keywords in titles and descriptions

Use keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush or Ahrefs to identify relevant keywords in your niche. Choose keywords with high search volume and moderate to low competition. For example, if you sell yoga accessories, keywords like "yoga mat", "yoga clothing" or "meditation accessories" could be relevant.

In addition, integrate your targeted keywords into titles, title tags (H1, H2, H3), URLs and product descriptions. Make sure your content is informative, engaging and answers users' questions and needs. Finally, you need to create quality content to increase your traffic. In addition to optimizing product titles and descriptions, create quality content around your niche. 

Publish informative blog posts, buying guides and videos that appeal to your target audience and boost your site's authority in your field. You could write an article on "The 10 Best Yoga Exercises for Beginners" and include links to relevant products in your store.

Improve site loading speed for a better user experience 

Reduce image size without compromising quality by using image compression tools such as TinyPNG or Imagify. Also use suitable image formats such as JPEG or WebP. If you sell clothing, make sure product images are sharp and attractive, but optimized for fast loading on the site.

Finally, reduce the number of HTTP requests by combining and minimizing CSS and JavaScript files. Use tools like Autoptimize to automate this process. By reducing the size of CSS and JavaScript files, you can speed up the loading of your site's pages, which will improve the user experience and your search engine rankings.


Finally, creating a dropshipping site with WordPress offers a flexible and affordable solution for online entrepreneurs. Using plugins like WooCommerce and specifically designed themes, it's possible to set up a dropshipping store quickly and efficiently. With careful planning, relevant product selection and a solid marketing strategy, this business model can offer lucrative opportunities. By combining the power of WordPress with the advantages of dropshipping, the possibilities for success are vast for ambitious entrepreneurs.


What are the most important things to know when starting a dropshipping business?

  • Niche selection: select a profitable niche by analyzing market demand and identifying popular products with moderate competition.
  • Search for reliable suppliers: find reputable dropshipping suppliers who offer quality products, fast delivery times and favorable return policies.
  • Site optimization: create an attractive, user-friendly website with WordPress, optimized for SEO, and offering an optimal user experience.
  • Marketing strategies: develop effective marketing strategies to promote your products, such as social network marketing, SEO, paid advertising campaigns, and influencer marketing.
  • Customer service: ensure you provide quality customer service by responding promptly to customer queries, handling returns and refunds professionally, and seeking to continually improve their shopping experience.

How to dropship easily?

To start dropshipping easily, begin by choosing a lucrative, sought-after market niche. Next, find reliable, trustworthy suppliers offering products that match your niche. Use specialized platforms to create your online e-commerce store and import the products you've selected. Once your store is up and running, focus on marketing and promotion to attract potential customers. Use social media, SEO and other digital marketing techniques to increase your store's visibility. 

When you receive orders, pass them on to your suppliers, who take care of shipping directly to the customer. Make sure you provide quality customer service to build customer loyalty and grow your business. With a methodical approach and effective management, dropshipping can be a lucrative and relatively simple option for starting an online business.

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