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How to add products to your Shopify store: Manual and Automatic


Dropshipping is an activity that exclusively concerns e-commerce platforms. In other words, it's a purely online activity, with a focus on platforms that are simultaneously online stores. However, it's important to know how this form of business activity works and who the players involved are.

How does dropshipping work?

A laptop with boxes and shopping bags on it.

Dropshipping is in fact a form of e-commerce that brings together sellers and multiple suppliers via a platform, with the aim of promoting their dropshipped products on this online platform. Once the product catalog is published on the online platform, the customer, who is the consumer, places a minimum order on the seller's website. The seller then transfers order fulfillment to the supplier, who in turn prepares and ships the minimum order quantity directly to the customer. To do this, the supplier uses the customer contact details provided by the seller. Once the customer has been served, the seller receives payment and pays the supplier a portion of the profit based on the difference between the actual purchase cost and the product price displayed on the seller's site.

Start-up costs for a Shopify dropshipping store

New Shopify application: create your store in minutes.

Many entrepreneurs dream of creating a profitable online store to enjoy the benefits of other dropshipping applications, but few know how to go about it. The big question is how to get there and make a profit. Once this question is answered, the rest becomes progressively easier. In reality, to excel in this field, there are rules and principles to follow. The first concern is to know in advance the budget for the various stages involved. Launching a store on Shopify apps for dropshipping is part of the fundamentals for getting ahead in these established businesses. First of all, it's important to know that this leading e-commerce platform gives everyone the opportunity to create an online store to start selling product catalogs of all types. To get started, you'll need up to $1,000 in capital.

Shopify packages for creating online stores

Website for Verve, an artisanal café offering specialty coffees and homemade pastries.

When creating a profitable online store on Shopify dashboard applications, three different main packages are offered. The first is called Basic and costs $29 per month, the second $79 per month and the third $299 per month. If you're just starting out, you won't necessarily need the last two packages. The first package, called Basic, is more than sufficient. The profitability of your site is estimated at around three months after opening, if all conditions are met. You should therefore include at least three months' subscription in your initial budget. When it comes to store design, you should also budget from $140 for themes to make the interface attractive. In addition, there are other parameters such as the search for winning products that also require packages.

Store themes and advertising

Shopify themes and advertising

To create your established businesses, you need to put in place all the elements necessary to win over the bulk of your clientele. So it's important to choose a Shopify store theme so that your site ranks among the best online stores. When it comes to advertising, it's of the utmost importance. Once you've finished designing the store, you need to start advertising on social networks to attract customers. In reality, Facebook ads allow you to promote your product catalog, and this requires a monthly budget of $291. In the early days, you'll also need to budget $500 for shipping and product costs. So it's important to have your finances in minimum order quantities before you begin the process of creating a Shopify online store.

Find products to sell in your Shopify dropshipping store

Section adspy Minea

There's more to dropshipping than setting up an online store. Once you've finished creating the site, you need to scour the search engines to get an idea of how to find the products you want to sell. In fact, searching for the product you want to sell online means looking for the best supplier with high-quality products. To achieve this, it's important to focus on current trends, while trying to look ahead to stay ahead of your competitors. To do this, you'll need the Minea tool, which tracks the frequency and evolution of a keyword. This tool will help you find the winning dropshipping product to maximize your profits. However, for the best margins, you should avoid products whose cost is already well known.

How to add dropshipping products to the Shopify app store: 2 methods

As you can see, there are many parameters involved in creating an online store. Once you've finished creating your store, you need to add products to it, and there are two ways of doing this: manually and automatically. Adding products manually means doing it yourself, following the settings in your Shopify account. This means adding products without the intervention of software or applications, but it remains a traditional and slow method. Automatic addition, on the other hand, is like a written program that requires less work and saves time. To achieve this, there are applications or tools you can link to your site to automate the process.


Manually add products to your Shopify dropshipping store

Shopify login

Shopify login

To manually add products to your Shopify dropshipping stores, you first need to log in to your account. Then, you can start by accessing the Shopify admin panel at the settings level to search for the "add products" section. At this point, a product section should appear for you to select and add a product. It may take a few seconds before the order is executed. You can also add products at this level using the additional details, not forgetting to click "save" at the end to save the product.

Download product images

The addition of a product to an online store must be accompanied by product images, a very important element in the commercial field. Before adding images to your products, you need to scour the market for essential data. This will give you an idea of the best sales channels, emerging trends and the traffic that would be most beneficial to you. You can either download images related to your product or create your own, provided they are of high quality. It's these images that attract the majority of consumers, who then place orders out of curiosity. So it's essential to choose quality images if you want your small business to succeed.

Configure product details

Configuring product details on shopify

Configuring product details is part of a retailer's consumer protection obligations. It is these details that first reassure potential customers about the quality of the product. First of all, to configure product details, you need to set a competitive price, manage stock levels and define shipping options. In addition, you need to bear in mind that these details can all influence how the product is displayed to attract customers, so it's advisable to be as transparent as possible in this process. You should also be aware that there are products without variants whose price, stock and shipping method sections are often presented on their detail pages.

Setting product prices in the Shopify store

Setting product prices in the Shopify store

To set the competitive price for a product, first select the currency in which you will be billed in the GENERAL settings. If products are to be billed in multiple currencies, you'll need to use the Shopify Payment section to activate Spotify Markets. At this point, it becomes easier and more convenient to manage currencies on the marketplace's Product and Pricing page. In addition, there is a certain category of products for which it is important to list costs per item. The margin for these is displayed and projected on the product details page, more precisely under the price field.

Stock level management

To manage stock levels, it is recommended to use the SKU, which represents the code identifying the product in a company. For effective sales tracking and reporting, each SKU must be unique. What's more, you can create your own SKUs, as they are optional. Barcodes can also play an important role in managing your own inventory. They are generally used by online retailers and scanned to advertise across channels.

Shipping options

Shipping a product on Spotify is done in the "This product requires shipping" section. The weight of a product is used to calculate shipping costs, so the weight of the product must be entered. In the case of international shipments, it is advisable to add customs information, not forgetting the country where the product was manufactured, specifically the region of manufacture and the Harmonized System code.

Incorporate product labels and collections

Labeling confers many advantages on the development of your small business, firstly by making it easier for consumers to find your products, and secondly by simplifying product management. In fact, the first step in labeling a product is to understand that labels offer a certain guarantee to the product. That's why consumers take the time to check every detail. Labeling also adds a decorative touch to your store, making the site look more professional. However, it's also necessary to classify your products either by price or by the varieties you have in your Shopify store.

Optimizing search engine optimization

A person types on a keyboard with a search button.

The most frequently purchased products are those that appear frequently in search engines such as Google, Chrome and others. When a customer launches a search on these engines, the first products to appear are those that catch his eye. If he's in a hurry, he'll end up choosing from the first products on the list. That's why it's so important for your products to be among the first to appear on search engines.

Publish your product

Publishing your product is the final step after optimizing it and incorporating tags. If your product appears in a customer's search, you'll receive notifications from the Shopify application. However, you need to keep an eye on market developments to ensure that your site is updated in good time.


Automatically add products to Shopify dropshipping stores

Once you've created your store, you'll need to add the latest products to target your audience. There are tools that make this task easier and more automatic, saving you time.

Use tools like Minea

There are tools that allow you to import and upload products en masse with a single click, in order to finalize your online store. Minea is one such tool, facilitating this task without duplication or limits on the number of products. What's more, you can use Minea to launch uploads of individual product images once you've imported them. Here's how to automatically add products to your Shopify dashboard with Minea.

Create a Minea account

Minea account creation

Before you can consider using Minea, you'll need an account to access the various settings. In fact, creating a Minea account requires you to provide certain user information. When all the information is correct, the Minea site will give you access to log in to the Minea user interface.

Connect your Shopify account to Minea

To add your products automatically with Minea, you first need to connect your Shopify platform to the tool in question. To do this, you can use the "integration" tab on Minea's home page. Once you've reached this stage, the tool will offer you a list of platforms from which to choose Shopify. Once you've made your choice, you can now link your account to the Minea tool. In addition, certain preliminary steps must be completed on your Shopify account before you can freely connect this tool. Once the integration is complete, Minea will automatically synchronize your store's products.

Using Minea's product database

Minea products tab

The various products available on Minea come from multiple suppliers. More precisely, these products can be found in the tool's database, which can be used by all dropshipping entrepreneurs, whatever their niche. To access and explore this database, you first need to search for the "Products" section in Minea's settings. To speed up your search, it's a good idea to enter the product category, as well as any details you may need to find it quickly. You can also enter the price range of the products you're looking for to find the best ones for your online store.

Once you have completed all the necessary product search tasks, the products for your store will appear. Click on the "Import" button to select the products you wish to import automatically. This is where the import process begins. The Minea tool also asks you to configure all necessary parameters and product title details before importing. Product details include price, images and description. These details make it easier for customers to find products.


Customize and optimize imported products

A product's attractiveness and visibility are essential for acquiring a good clientele. To personalize your products and make them more visible, it's important to modify their features. In addition, you need to highlight the product's advantages and add high-quality images. When it comes to price configuration, shipping costs and profit margins are parameters to be taken into account.

Use Minea's analysis tools

A dropshipping entrepreneur needs to evaluate the performance of his products after import. Minea has the tools to enable any dropshipper to know which products are performing perfectly on the market. Minea also enables you to update your products to keep pace with market trends. When you make configurations in Minea's settings, products can be updated without human intervention.

Import from suppliers

Importing can be done not only via apps, but also from suppliers such as Shopify. Once your store is online on Shopify, you can simply copy the product ID from the supplier and paste it into your import tool to have the product in your store.

Optimize product lists

Optimizing product listings involves checking all the necessary information that products must contain before import. First of all, it's important to check product descriptions, i.e. product name, origin and price. If you mistakenly import a product with incomplete information, it will be difficult to sell it online. Secondly, you need to ensure the quality of the image of the product in question, to avoid sowing doubt among consumers.

Finalize import

As an online business model, dropshipping involves a number of very specific steps. Once the account has been created and verified, the next step is to import products and images. At this stage, it's clear that importing products is the only thing that will give you visibility and increase sales over time. The products to be imported must therefore meet a certain standard before being sent to the online store. First and foremost, they must contain all the information needed to reassure customers of the product's quality before they place an order. But when these conditions are not met, the product in question can slow down the development of your online store. You need to make sure that all the products in your dropshipping store are labeled and optimized.

Tips for selecting the right products to sell in your dropshipping store

The cause of most dropshippers' failures on Shopify is the quality of their products. Many dropshippers know how to find the best products to sell in an online store. In reality, the best can only come from the best, most reliable suppliers. Therefore, the most important thing is to know how to identify the best suppliers on the market.

Selecting suppliers by niche: a method for targeting the best products

Choosing a dropshipping supplier can affect the niche you wish to target. When it comes to items, it's important to note that suppliers specialize in different areas. Some prefer generalist marketplaces, while others are geared towards specific niches. In this case, only a supplier specialized in a fixed field can guarantee the quality of its items. You should therefore concentrate your search on niche suppliers to make your task easier. However, you can also use Google Trends, which is a better way of choosing the best suppliers and therefore the best products to market.

The measurement tool to the rescue: a strategy for finding the right products

When it comes to choosing the most popular dropshipping products, the use of measurement tools is very important. The evolution of technology has led to the emergence of several market research tools. Thanks to these tools, you'll have all the information you need about the most profitable products in the Shopify dropshipping business model. What's more, you'll also need to keep abreast of the latest product testing sites. That's how you'll be able to find the right products to make a high profit margin.

The three keys to dropshipping success

Expert management of product-related problems

Successful dropshipping, like any other business, presents risks and problems that end up affecting dropshippers' sales on Shopify. Sellers often don't have physical stock of their products, which makes quality control difficult. If quality control is limited, the seller won't be able to assess whether products meet customer expectations and standards. The consequences of this problem are defective or inferior products, which can lead to a decline in business. These are the details to bear in mind if you want to succeed in your online product business.

Expand the sources of dropshipping suppliers for inventory

A seller needs to have several sources of supply, i.e. several suppliers to compare prices and commissions. When you find dropshipping suppliers, it will be difficult to choose the wrong product, which can harm your business. What's more, having several suppliers also enables you to discover new winning products to conquer the market.

Develop a solid order processing strategy

Order processing in dropshipping is a task that requires a little more attention and speed. When a customer appears on your page, the first action they take when they need a product is to add it to the shopping cart. Once the order has reached the merchant's level, i.e. the seller, he takes charge of sending it immediately to his supplier to satisfy his customer. At this point, it's the supplier's turn to supply the requested product, taking into account the delivery time. To avoid delivery delays, you can sign contracts with your suppliers. This is the best way of handling orders, to avoid misunderstandings between seller and supplier and between seller and buyer.


Use apps to optimize your Shopify store

Plug in SEO

Plug in SEO is an essential application for Shopify store owners looking to improve their SEO. It analyzes your site to identify common SEO issues, such as missing meta tags, duplicate content and broken links. The application provides practical recommendations for resolving these issues, helping to improve your store's visibility in search engine results. By optimizing your SEO, you can attract more organic traffic and potentially increase your sales.


Gorgias is an all-in-one customer service application for Shopify stores. It centralizes all customer communications(e-mail, live chat, social networks) in a single interface, enabling efficient ticket management and rapid response to requests. Gorgias also integrates with other tools such as Shopify, Instagram and Facebook, making it easy to manage interactions from a single platform. With its automatic response and ticket management features, Gorgias helps improve efficiency and customer satisfaction, creating a smooth and positive customer experience.

Lucky Orange

Lucky Orange is a powerful application for analyzing visitor behavior on your Shopify store. It offers features such as heat maps, user session logging and real-time surveys. These tools enable you to see where visitors click, understand their journey through your site and identify friction points. By visualizing this data, you can optimize the user experience, improve conversion rates and increase sales. Lucky Orange is a must-have for any store looking to maximize efficiency and performance.


Judge.me is a customer review management application for Shopify stores. It lets you collect, moderate and display customer reviews of your products. Reviews are essential for building trust and encouraging purchases. Judge.me offers features such as automatic post-purchase review requests, integration with Google Shopping, and the ability to include photos and videos in reviews. By using Judge.me, you can not only increase your store's credibility, but also improve your products' SEO thanks to content-rich reviews.


Oberlo ropshipping

Oberlo is an indispensable application for Shopify stores specializing in dropshipping. It makes it easy to find products for sale and import them directly into your store. Once products have been added, Oberlo simplifies order management by automatically shipping them from suppliers to end customers. The application also offers tools for tracking orders and managing inventory. By using Oberlo, you can simplify the sales process, save time and concentrate on growing your online business.

FAQ about dropshipping and adding products to your Shopify store

Can I import a large number of products into Shopify at once?

Yes, adding products to a Shopify online store can be done en masse using certain tools offered by Minea. With these tools, you can add multiple products to your e-commerce site at the same time, avoiding copy and paste and duplication.

Is dropshipping on Shopify legal?

Yes, dropshipping is a legal business model, as it meets all regulatory requirements. It's also an efficient way to manage inventory and process orders without holding physical stock.

How much can you earn with your own dropshipping business?

Dropshipping revenues depend on a number of factors, including product quality, supplier reliability and effective customer management. Finding winning, on-trend products and using effective marketing strategies can significantly boost your revenues.

Why should you consider your own dropshipping business on Shopify?

Shopify is beginner-friendly and provides powerful tools to help you succeed in designing and managing your store. The platform supports efficient customer order management and keeps you informed about winning products.

What fees does Shopify charge for dropshipping?

Shopify charges fees for subscriptions, advertising, product costs and transactions via payment gateways. Additional fees may apply for premium themes and applications used to enhance your store.

Can a beginner start dropshipping on Shopify in 2024?

Yes, beginners can start dropshipping on Shopify. The platform provides comprehensive tools and support to help you create and manage your store successfully. Carefully following the registration process and using the available resources will help you set up your online store efficiently.

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